These tasks are the essential steps within the process groups that need to be completed to successfully manage your 21st CCLC program.
Guiding organization values and beliefs such as “we value the diversity of every child.”
The short name for the section of the Code of Federal Regulations titled Education Department General Administrative Regulations, which includes regulations that apply to all grants issued by the U.S. Department of Education (see also: FERPA, one part of EDGAR).
Criteria for student enrollment in a program. Note that while all students are eligible to enroll in the 21st CCLC program, programs may determine specific criteria levels to help meet their goals.
The short name for the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, which provides guidance about access to student records and protects the privacy of a student's personally identifiable information (PII) (see also: EDGAR, a larger set of regulations that includes FERPA).
Illustrates your program or site resources, activities and goals and to help your evaluator and stakeholders see the relationship between your programs inputs, rationale and outcomes.
This plan includes the dates a program operates, the number of days and hours the program will be open, the sites that are going to be open, the number of students you plan to serve and, any other specific data specific to your overall operations plan.
A formal document designed to describe how you will execute, monitor and control each critical task of your project while managing and mitigating any risk that could effect your program quality. A project plan is key to a successful project and is the most important document to have in place to ensure a success program.
A formal document designed to describe how each site will execute, monitor and control each element of their project. A site plan should be completed for each site and could include operations plans; needs assessment findings; program and activity SMART goals; and strategies for managing the budget, data, staff, intentional activity development, student recruitment and communication.
This will tell your stakeholders your long-term program goal. It defines your purpose, with a focus on your aspirations. It should be short and inspiring. Your vision statement should hold true over time.
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