Evaluation Information - 2020-2021 NASA STEM Challenge



Welcome to the Evaluation Page. We are excited to work with you on this project. You will find information below to enable and facilitate your site’s participation in the evaluation component of this project. Please note there are evaluation requirements for all sites participating in the 2020/2021 School Year Implementation and requirements for Sample Sites selected. Details for all sites vs. sample sites are listed below.

Evaluation Frequently Asked Questions

Click to view the FAQs!


Use this table of contents to jump to a section of your choosing:


All Sites General Requirements

All facilitators part of the U.S. Department of Education 21st Century Community Learning Collaboration (21st CCLC) 2020/2021 School Year Activities must complete evaluation requirements. Each facilitator will be provided a unique 6-digit number UIN from the program evaluators. There is no sharing of UINs.  Please see requirements below: 

Complete 3 Facilitator Surveys

Your answers to these survey questions will help us learn more about the NASA STEM Challenge activity, including what worked well and what we may improve on.

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NOTE TO FACILITATOR: Keep good student attendance records during implementation to submit your responses on the facilitator post-implementation survey at the end of the implementation (target date: April 30). These responses support our knowledge of student attendance in the program. Surveys are found on the dashboard and on the evaluation webpage.

As a reminder of the six attendance questions, here are the six questions from the facilitator post-implementation survey.

Attendance Questions on the Facilitator Post-Implementation Survey

  1. How many sessions [in days] did it take for you to deliver the NASA EDC content?
  2. How long [minutes] did a typical NASA EDC session take?
  3. Enter the total number of students by gender. (Male/Female)
  4. Enter the total number of students by grade level at the beginning of implementation.
  5. Enter the total number of students who completed 80 percent of more of the NASA EDC by the end of implementation.
  6. To the best of your knowledge, what were the reasons why students stopped attending and participating in the NASA EDC. 

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Sample Sites Requirements 

In Year Two the NASA and U.S. Department of Education 21st Century Community Learning Collaboration (21st CCLC) Phase IV Activities, sample sites were selected to administer surveys to students and parents in addition to the general requirements.  Sample sites were notified through the SEAs via Eblasts or Emails.  
If you are unsure whether you are a sample site, please contact the NASA STEM Challenge Help Desk. Each facilitator will be provided a unique 6-digit number UIN from the program evaluators. There is no sharing of UINs. 

  • Complete 3 Facilitator Surveys (please link to section above providing description of the 3 facilitator surveys) 
  • Click Attendance (link to attendance above) to learn about collecting information for your post-implementation survey. 
  • Parental Consent Notice (Passive or Active): Prior to Implementation
  • Parent Survey:  Prior and During Implementation
  • Student Survey: End of Implementation (One-time)
  • Administrative Check-Ins During Implementation

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Parental Passive Consent Notice 

NOTE TO FACILITATOR: Provide each parent a parental passive consent notice link/QR code. If the parent does not want their child(ren) to participate in the collection of evaluation data, the parent should complete the survey link.

The student survey should not be administered to students whose parents do not want them to participate in data collection activities.

Parental Passive Consent Notice Link/QR Code

Parent Passive Consent Notice (Spanish)

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Parental Active Consent Notice

Instructions: The parental active consent notice is only for sample sites required by their state to provide written consent for their child’s participation in research/evaluation activities. If you are unsure of which consent form is required from your state, contact your state education agency (SEA). This consent notice is to be provided directly to parents as a link/QR code

Parental Active Consent Notice Link/QR Code

Parental Active Consent Notice (Spanish)  

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Parent Survey

Instructions: Sample site parents with children in the NASA EDC program will be asked to complete a parent survey as part of the project’s data collection.  The goal of the survey is to obtain parental views on parental engagement and interest in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) activities and education for their child(ren).  All information obtained is confidential. We ask that the facilitator working with the students provide this SurveyMonkey link below.

Parent Survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2021Parentsurv

Encuesta para padres: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Spaparentsurvey

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Student Surveys

For Students in Grades 3 to 8


Sample sites will complete a student survey one-time (April 30, target date) as part of the data collection. The goal of the survey is to obtain student views on STEM engagement, interest, and motivation, activities and knowledge of STEM career options and pathways. All information obtained is confidential. The information provided will be used to enhance student STEM engagement in the delivery of children’s mathematics and science education to support students. 

Facilitators should provide each student in grades 3 to 8 a retrospective survey at the end of implementation (i.e. target date, April 30) of the NASA EDC Challenges by providing the SurveyMonkey link.

For the purpose of ease, the retrospective student survey should be administered to students in an instructor led approach at the completion of the class/course.  This will help to ensure that students spend ample time on each question and understand what is being asked of them as a part of their response.  Depending on your perception of the reading level of the students, you may have to read the survey to the students. You may have to explain some of the terms to the students (e.g., technology) to the students.

Since we want to track how long it takes to complete the survey, please indicate to the students the time that the survey is started.  Once a student completes a survey, we ask that you provide them with the time so that it can be recorded on the survey by the students.

The surveys can be completed on a computer or on mobile handheld devices.

Student Survey (Retrospective): https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/retrospectivesurv

Encuesta Retrospectiva: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/spanishretrosurv

Note to the Facilitator: The student survey link should not be administered to students whose parents have indicated to the facilitator that they do not actively consent for their child to participate in data collection activities.

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Evaluation Administrative Check-in Instructions to Facilitators/Points of Contacts

Instructions: We are requesting facilitators/POCs to complete an administrative check-in on SurveyMonkey during the NASA Engineering Design Challenges (EDC) implementation, preferably once a month.

In an effort to learn more about each site and support everyone more effectively, we are looking to gather information through administrative check-ins.  Administrative check-ins are opportunities for sites to share their experiences and provide important information relating to their sites. 

Administrative Check-ins: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/admincheckins

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Evaluation Webinar for Sample Sites

Information: It was important for sample sites to participate in an evaluation webinar training to understand the role of facilitating evaluation data collection activities at the site to support the documentation and assessment of the program. Once sites were registered, the evaluation webinar training dates were available on November 30 (2 PM ET), December 16 (2 PM ET), January 28 (2 PM ET), February 11 (11 am ET), 25 (2 PM ET), and March 29 (2 PM ET).  

We understand that due to scheduling conflicts, participation by some sites in the webinars may be difficult.  Contact the Help Desk for availability of a recorded sample site webinar.

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Evaluation Questions

All communications regarding evaluation should start with filling out an iquirty to the NASA STEM Challenge Help Desk. Remember to check your Y4Y dashboard and FAQs for general evaluation information.

Contact the NASA STEM Challenge Help Desk, if you require assistance.  If you are a new instructor joining after your state’s two-day virtual training, please contact the Help Desk for a new UIN.

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Best Practices/Tips from Sample Site Webinar

Practice Multiple Methods to Reach Out to Parents 

  • Post parent survey link/QR code on the site’s school virtual newsletter or post on other platforms (e.g. Google Classroom, Schoology, Remind App, etc.)
  • Call and Text Parents the survey link/QR Code (e.g. Leave a voicemail for parents who work at night) 
  • Send (mail or Email) the parent survey link/QR Code directly to the parent (e.g. Handouts at curb-side pick-ups)
  • Encourage sites to have a family STEM activity and complete the parent survey

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