Bringing Students to the Environment

About Hands on the Land

Hands on the Land (HOL) is a network of field classrooms stretching across America from Alaska to Florida. HOL is sponsored by Partners in Resource Education, a collaboration of five federal agencies, a nonprofit foundation, schools, and other private sector partners. Public lands comprise approximately one-third of the acreage of the U.S., and they are rich in historical, archeological and environmental learning opportunities. Through the HOL network of field classrooms, federal agencies are providing a diverse array of hands-on learning opportunities for teachers and students. And, in addition to the field activities at each site, teachers and students are learning from each other through the HOL website. This website allows teachers and students to share information and learn about their local ecosystems, creative teaching strategies, and much more.

For Hands on the Land, there are two resource pages that may be of interest to 21st CCLC programs:


Browse environmental monitoring projects on a range of topics, from ozone biomonitoring to salamander monitoring and snowpack monitoring. Each monitoring project includes instructor resources, datasets, and more.

Educator Resources

Browse educational resources contributed by Hands on the Land members, tagged with grade level and subject.

Overview Video

Hands on the Land Projects

de Chelly
Craters of the Moon
Smokey Mountains
Knife River
North Cascades National Park
Olympic National Park
Petroglyph National Monument
Saguaro National Park