Program Implementation Planner Page: Project Planning Matters!

The Path to Success Is Paved With Solid Planning

Boy Focus

The planning process helps your program team focus on the right steps at the right time, with a clear destination in mind. It can prevent missteps such as setting goals before assessing student needs, or designing activities that are “cool” but don’t meet student needs or get the desired results.

Girl Strategy

Like good chess players, good program planners are always thinking several moves ahead. What can we do this spring to recruit the students who need our summer program the most? If we schedule a field trip in January, could bad weather wreck our plans? If students need to improve their performance in math and science, should we invite the local science center to the planning table?

Girl Less Stress

Having a plan won’t guarantee that your team will never say “Oh no!” or “I didn’t think of that!” But you won’t say those words nearly as often.

Male Student

Planning enables you to use time and resources wisely, to hire and develop the staff you need, and to design activities intentionally. These steps are essential to reaching your goals and helping your students succeed.

I think the tools we used here can also be used for school-year programming. And also having written proof/documentation. Having a new assistant come in, I can show it to him. It's a living document where we can make changes and updates and it can be shared with new staff.

—California Grantee


Download These Planning Tools

Summer Planner

This one is blank, for you to fill out! summer-planner.xlsx

Sample Planner

This shows what a completed planner looks like. implementation-planner.xlsx

User Guide

This eight-page guide tells how to use the planner. user-guide.pdf


Use These Learning Tools

Listen In!

Implementation Planner

A grantee shares how the planner helped them get results.

A state coordinator shares the value of the planner.

To Learn About Key Steps in Planning:
Watch These Videos

Needs Assessment

Needs Assessment (2.5 minutes)

Intentional Activity Design

Intentional Activity Design (3 minutes)

Intentional Student Recruitment

Intentional Student Recruitment (3 minutes)

Continuous Improvement

Continuous Improvement (2.5 minutes)

Importance of Planning

The planning tool is like magic! It's taken all the processes that I've encouraged through different means into one package.

—Wyoming State Coordinator