Summer Learning Initiative Tools and Webinars
Here you'll find all the tools you need for developing your Summer Learning Program. Please be sure to visit the corresponding step along the path!
General: Download this zip file for the Summer Planner, User Guide and Sample Planner

Writing SMART Goals

Intentional Student Recruitment

Additional Tools
It would definitely benefit all grantees to be introduced to the Implementation Planner and encouraged to use it whether it be afterschool or summer programming.
—Kansas State Coordinator
Get up to speed quickly! Showcase webinars focus on critical steps in planning and implementing a high-quality summer program and highlight best practices from the Summer Learning Initiative’s participating cohort grantees.
A Recipe for Summer Program Success
Hear program directors and site coordinators from across the country describe their process for planning and implementing summer learning programs. Learn about the benefits of using a program planning tool to guide your summer program development.
(October 4, 2017 — 61 minutes)
The Right Ingredients: Start With Student Needs
Get planning tools and strategies for the first four steps in the summer program planning process: (1) building a program team, (2) conducting a needs assessment, (3) writing SMART goals and (4) planning logistics.
(December 6, 2017 — 69 minutes)
The Right Mix: Intentional Activity Design
Learn how to use needs assessment data to intentionally design activities that help students develop and master targeted knowledge and skills. Discover why student-centered learning, positive youth development and 21st century skills are critical to empowering students and engaging them in their own learning.
(December 6, 2017 — 62 minutes)
The Right Outcome: Ready for Summer
Explore why it's important to recruit targeted students, and how to create enrollment criteria that connect to the program’s needs assessment data and SMART goals. Learn how to customize the continuous improvement cycle to ensure ongoing assessment, reflection and program improvement.
(April 11, 2018 — 64 minutes)
The amount of time our grant leaders have given to this initiative speaks volumes. Like we say about high school students voting with their feet, our grant leaders do, too. There wasn't necessarily anything new in the planner/process, but it helps us pull everything we're trying to do into one process and align everything.
—Oklahoma State Coordinator