NASA Middle School Stem Challenges

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The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Education, has developed six unique challenges in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Each STEM challenge is based upon real mission data and experiences that occur during human and robotic exploration of the solar system.

The challenges are designed for grades 5-8, and connect students in 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLCs) with NASA scientists and engineers to discuss proposed solutions in real time. Each STEM challenge comes with an educator guide, introductory videos, and resources to help educators conduct the challenges and engage students.

Participating sites create and submit brief videos showcasing their responses to the challenges. U.S. Department of Education leaders and NASA scientists and engineers then select student videos to highlight in a culminating live Web event.

This interagency initiative is funded by the U.S. Department of Education.

For an overview of the NASA STEM Challenge Schedule, click here

If you are a participating site, click the button below to access the event calendar. You must be logged in to the Y4Y Portal using the e-mail address you provided on your Technical Assessment Form to view the event calendar.
Event Calendar

Parachuting onto Mars

Develop a drag device to slow a spacecraft for entry, descent and landing.


Go To Parachuting onto Mars

Spaced Out Sports

Student teams will create and submit a video discussing the process they followed to develop a sports game, which could be played by astronauts on board the International Space Station, using Newton’s Laws of Motion.


Go To Spaced Out Sports

NASA Exploration Design – Radiation Shield

Student teams will create and submit a video featuring the process they followed to determine a solution to protect our astronauts from space radiation.


Go To NASA Exploration Design – Radiation Shield

Why Pressure Suits?

Student teams will create and submit a video featuring the process they followed to design a pressure suit or spacesuit that will protect a high-altitude pilot or an astronaut from the low-pressure environment of a near-vacuum or vacuum environment.

Engineering Design

Go To Why Pressure Suits?

Packing up for the Moon

Student teams will create and submit a video featuring the process they followed to design a plant growth chamber that will be used by lunar astronauts to grow vegetables on the Moon.

Engineering Design

Go To Packing up for the Moon

Design a Crew Exploration Vehicle

Student teams will create and submit a video describing the design and testing they completed, in order to arrive at their best solution to create a Crew Exploration Vehicle.


Go To Design a Crew Exploration Vehicle

Access Full Features

If your 21st CCLC site is participating in the NASA STEM Challenges, please login to access full features including the event calendar, discussion forums, and project uploads.
