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In-Person Training

1 in-person training per state will take place between the listed dated. The following topics will be addressed:

  • Walk Through Design Challenges
  • Engineering Design Process
  • Technology
  • Subject Matter Expert Supports
  • Project Timeline Review
  • Evaluation

State Coordinators will inform sites of training details

January 5th – 30th

Duration: 6-8 Hours

Webinar Training for Educators

A series of webinars will assist facilitators with better understanding key aspects of the project. Potential Topics include:

  • How to use the Engineering Design Process & understanding the science within each challenge
  • Making the Most of Subject Matter Expert Connections and student/site participation
  • Review of the Video Rubric and Video Submission Process
  • Evaluation Introduction
  • Culminating Event Participants Preparation

Sites will have the opportunity to register for webinar training sessions via the Y4Y website

February 2nd – 13th

Duration 45-90 minutes

NASA Scientist and Engineer Connections with Students

Students will have the opportunity to connect virtually, with NASA’s scientists and engineers to learn about their careers, ask questions, brainstorm for the challenge, and receive feedback.

Sites will have the opportunity to register for Connections via the Y4Y website.

Site Facilitators may attend the webinar training topic of “Making the Most of Subject Matter Expert Connections and student/site participation”.

February 13th – April 29th

Duration 30-60 minutes

Challenge Deadline Date

This is the deadline for student teams to submit their team video to be reviewed by ED and NASA’s Scientists and Engineers.

Video Submission Instructions will be located on the Y4Y website.

Site Facilitators may attend the webinar training topic of “Review of the Video Rubric and Video Submission Process”, to ensure their student teams are prepared to create their videos.

April 30th

Student Showcase Presenters Announced

Based on student video alignment to the rubric provided in the Facilitator Guides, the video review panel will select student teams to participate in the Virtual Student Showcase.

Site Facilitators may attend the webinar training topic of Culminating Event Participants Preparation”, which will be held in April.

Week of May 11th

Virtual Student Showcase

Presenting Teams will have the opportunity to present their challenge results to a panel of ED and NASA Leadership.

May 2015

Duration 90 minutes