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Designing a Project-Based Learning Activity


Total Posts: 47

Joined 2014-06-05


Jeff asks:  How do we organize a PBL activity?

That is a big question Jeff.  There are many different approaches that can be used.  Over the next three weeks, I will be walking you through each step and providing some “Just-in-Time” podcasts that will cover some additional information that I believe will be helpful.

In the meantime, go to the Y4Y site and look around, start on the module.  I think you will find a lot of information and ideas around designing a PBL activity.



Total Posts: 47

Joined 2014-06-05


Jenni asks:  We get funding to provide youth leadership programming.  How do we implement it within a framework of funder expectations.

Youth leadership is the primary goal of project-based learning.  We want students to be the leaders…to guide the work.  If the funder guidance does not allow for students to choose topics, then I suggest that you find other pieces of the strategy that you can embed into the curriculum such as connecting to standards, developing a driving question, allowing students to do some of the work that you would traditionally do such as making supply lists, finding resources.  Let them take responsibility wherever you can.

If you can provide me some more detailed information about the structure of your program, I think I can be more specific in my answer.
