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Webinar 1: Designing and Developing


Total Posts: 8

Joined 2016-08-01


Instructions: Please watch one of these videos and discuss the processing questions on the discussion board.

  For Elementary Programs:
  For Secondary Programs:

1.  How does this project connect to school-day learning?
2.  What made the learning authentic?
3.  Is there anything else that could have made it more authentic based on what you learned in this first webinar?


Total Posts: 3

Joined 2014-06-05


I watched the video for elementary age children.

1.  How does this project connect to school-day learning?

Children are able to master academic standards and expectations by doing everyday real world tasks.
2.  What made the learning authentic?

The part of the video where the children did a funeral for their class praying mantis was very authentic. The children had to the deal with a real life problem in their lives. Children developed writing skills by creating a tombstone & writing/drawing funeral service invitations.
3.  Is there anything else that could have made it more authentic based on what you learned in this first webinar?

I thought the activities offered in the video were great, authentic examples of project based learning.


Total Posts: 8

Joined 2016-08-01


Thank you for your quick response!  I agree with #2…  Addressing a real-life problem such as the death of a classroom pet helps students deal with challenges that arise in the future.

Ms. Cruz

Total Posts: 2

Joined 2016-08-04


I watched the video for High School

1. How does this project connect to school-day learning?
    This project connects to school-day learning by reinforcing skills such as research, presentation, speech, grammar, revising, editing, peer review, critical thinking, amongst many others, that play an important role in school. It teaches them how to hold each other accountable and take ownership for responsibilities, and teaches them how to collaborate.
2.  What made the learning authentic?
    The learning was made authentic by allowing students to conduct research and create awareness to social issues that directly affect them and their communities.
3.  Is there anything else that could have made it more authentic based on what you learned in this first webinar?
    Based on what I learned from our first webinar, I would say the learning experience was very authentic because students were given the choice to present issues of interest to them, and/or to which they could relate. It offered them a “voice,” as well as the means to be both heard and seen, thus increasing the possibility of getting help and creating awareness to a situation that may have gone unnoticed.

Ms. Cruz

Total Posts: 2

Joined 2016-08-04


I agree with Emily on her response to question # 2. Children (especially at that age) are often sheltered from burials and deaths because of the “traumatic after-effects” they may have. With this situation, the children were able to internalize and gain an understanding of the process of death, and the events that normally take place after. The fact that they had to actually walk through the entire process, and be a part of it, helped shed some light on the mysteries of death.
Ms. Cruz


Total Posts: 8

Joined 2016-08-01


Absolutely, Ms. Cruz!  (#2)  using PBL helps to empower our students, especially our secondary & high school students!


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2016-03-30


I watched the video for elementary age children.

1.  How does this project connect to school-day learning?

The activities help reinforce thinking processes and skills that apply to all subject areas.

2.  What made the learning authentic?

Of course the realistic scenarios presented made it authentic. Some of the lessons, like the one about cruise ship, are experiences many of the children may never have in real life. This gives them the opportunity to add the information to their background knowledge without actually having been on a cruise. 

3.  Is there anything else that could have made it more authentic based on what you learned in this first webinar?

I think having a speaker come out for some of the lessons would have been interesting.


Total Posts: 3

Joined 2016-10-19


1.  How does this project connect to school-day learning?
Each project discussed in the video included curriculum based topics and grade level standards.  Connecting real life topics and assignments to a meaningful end goal allows the students to connect to the purpose of gathering information for the purpose of learning.

2.  What made the learning authentic?
Students where allowed to explore reading and writing through topics and ideas that are meaningful to them.
Reducing academic frustrations allowing the students to make real life connections.

3.  Is there anything else that could have made it more authentic based on what you learned in this first webinar?
Maybe, if students where able to being their own culture awareness to the subjects learned in the class.


Total Posts: 3

Joined 2016-10-19


How does this project connect to school-day learning?
Intertwining grade level expectations and standards through meaningful topics and in-depth student questioning.

2.  What made the learning authentic?
It develops the students natural curiosity. The projects allows the learner to explore knowledge in various areas within a topic. Also, connecting to real life situation that some learners may not have a been to exposed to. 

3.  Is there anything else that could have made it more authentic based on what you learned in this first webinar?
Possibly, presenting the project to parents.


Total Posts: 8

Joined 2016-08-01


Samzs:  Definitely!  PBL is a great way to connect several subjects or areas of learning.

Myharrell:  I like how you pointed how out the students are connected to the purpose of the project and that academic frustrations seem to have been reduced!  PBL can be used with students at all academic levels and with the reduction in frustrations, may even help reduce classroom disruptions.

Mssharrell:  Yes!  PBL is a great way to foster, support, and maintain students’ natural curiosity and creativity.  We’ll be talking more about that in Webinar 3 when we cover “Habits of Mind.”