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Learning Celebrations!

Chelsea Heffernan

Total Posts: 19

Joined 2015-04-30


Please share examples of celebrations you’ve had with your students and staff.

- Maybe your students prepared a meal for a family open house at the end of nutrition/cooking project.
​- Perhaps students wrote and performed a play about the life cycle of monarch butterflies after your summer citizen science program. 

We would love to hear from you!


Total Posts: 47

Joined 2014-06-05


We had an student leadership activity designed to help students voice their concerns around body image, relationships, and the world in general.  Students were encouraged to create short films to highlight their thoughts and persuade others.  During the activity, students planned and organized a film festival which included local live performers (musicians, poets) and local food donors.  During the event, students served as event hosts and also shared their short films to an audience, or school leaders, community members and families.  Because of the marketing efforts of students, over 150 people attended and students received a lot of positive recognition.

Chelsea Heffernan

Total Posts: 19

Joined 2015-04-30


That sounds amazing!! Thank you for sharing 😊