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Discussion Board

How to Design a Professional Learning Path for Frontline Staff

Sarah Brightwell

Total Posts: 77

Joined 2015-08-17


Today we discussed jumping in with:
    *Intentional Program Design Virtual Series
    *Creating an Intentionally Designed Program Click & Go
    *Literacy course OR Project-Based Learning course with Virtual Series

What other courses, tools, or events have you found helpful?
What questions do you have?


Total Posts: 2

Joined 2020-04-01


Supporting Staff and Families During School Closure was very informative. I got a couple of ideas I would implement in my program. Thank you

Deanne Fitz

Total Posts: 1

Joined 2018-08-29


I am working on a learning path for my front-line staff and would like to know how long some of the courses are that you provided us.  I want to compile some workable PD opportunities for them but I need to know how extensive these courses are, as we have other tasks we will be completing for programming.
I am interested in the duration time for the topics that you grouped under the frontline staff heading of our PD Plan.  I apologize but I don’t have time to check out all the courses.
Thank you

Kathleen Bethke

Total Posts: 13

Joined 2019-08-07


Hi Deanne

Here are some estimates.  For the courses, it could be less time.  It really depends on how deep you want them to go (do you want them to download each tool as they are completing the courses).

• Intentional Program Design Virtual Series (90 minutes each event)
• Creating an Intentionally Designed Program Click & Go (< 1 hour)
• Literacy Course (Average to complete Intro and Implementation Strategies (5-8 hours)
• Project-Based Learning Course (Average to complete Intro and Implementation Strategies (5-8 hours)