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On Your Own | Day 1: Program SMART Goals!

Chelsea Heffernan

Total Posts: 19

Joined 2015-04-30


Can you create a program SMART goal using this student need? Use the SMART goal template below to help you write one. Remember that SMART stands for, Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time bound.

School-level need statement: Reading records show that 58% of elementary students aren’t reading on grade level.​

Program SMART Goal Template




Reply to this post with an answer.

Here two other examples of a school-level need and an accompanying Program SMART Goal.

School-level need: Only 60 percent of students are completing their multiyear service projects at an acceptable level.
Example Program SMART Goal: By the end of the program year, 80% of students who regularly attend the 21st CCLC program will successfully complete a service project, as measured by a completion rubric.

School-level need: School leaders report that, according to the National Standards, only 30 percent of 9th grade students possess the financial literacy knowledge that should be present at the 8th grade.
Example Program SMART Goal: By the end of the program year, 25% of students identified as in need will demonstrate 8th grade financial literacy knowledge as measured by pre- and post-assessment.


Total Posts: 2

Joined 2014-06-09


Student Level Need: High transient population

Program SMART Goal: By June 2020 100% of CLC students new to the district will be partnered with a trained student Buddy and a CLC staff member as measured by Buddy training and Buddy event attendance logs.


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2016-04-28


By May 2020, 75% of parents will report greater involvement in their children’s education as measured by parent evaluation surveys.


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2020-03-23


Smart Goal - Increasing Reading Skill and Comprehension - 80%
Students - Middle School 5,6,7 Grade
Students will get free books from the web.
Students can make a list of at least two words and definitions.
Present new words to others. A list will be generated of the words.
Students will have the option of choosing four words and include them in a short story or four sentences. Students will present to to their peers. The team will monitor the progress of students participation’s from the beginning of the week to the end of the week. The team will encourage students to follow through and help those who need it. Students should know the meanings of eight new words in two weeks. Students should feel more confident about reading and writing.


Total Posts: 3

Joined 2018-09-19


Specific goals-
Clark County School District
Lois Craig Elmentary Leo Club School Specific Goals:

Leo Club particpants will increase proficiency in ELA and mathematics by 2-5% by year 2022 as measured by state summative assessment. 

African Americans subgroup will increase proficiency in ELA and mathematics by 2-5% by
the year 2022, as measured by state summative assessments.

Special Education subgroups will increase proficency in ELA mathmatics by2% by the year 2022 as measured by state summative assesment.

Achievable goals will be to decrease chronic absenteeism by 3% as measured by the Nevada School Performance Framework.

Total Posts: 3

Joined 2018-08-22


School-level need statement: Reading data show that 58% of elementary students aren’t reading on grade level.​
Student-Level need statement:  40% of 4th grade students are not proficient in reading fluency.   

Program SMART Goal Template

Time:​ By the end of May 2021

Who:​ 75% of regularly attending 4th grade program students who are not proficient in reading fluency.

What:​ Will increase reading fluency by 20%

Measurement:  Dibels, MAP, or other approved assessment.

Total Posts: 3

Joined 2018-08-22


School-level need statement: Reading data show that 58% of elementary students aren’t reading on grade level.​
Student-Level need statement:  40% of 4th grade students are not proficient in reading fluency.   

By the end of the program year, 75% of regularly attending 4th grade program students who are not proficient in reading fluency will increase reading fluency by 20%,  as measured by Dibels, MAP, or other approved assessment.


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2020-05-05


75% of all students who participate in the virtual Summer ECHOES program at BCMS will read three books by the end of the Summer program. Students will choose each book from a group of books chosen by the summer ELA teacher. Books will be based on the student’s Lexile score but will be on a reading level that is at least 100 points above the student’s current Lexile score.

*Note, I’m not sure how to word how I want to measure the outcome. I want to administer a pre and post test and somehow compare the results to their current Lexile score.

Julia Scott

Total Posts: 1

Joined 2019-02-16


SMART Goal #1: 80% of regular learners attending the afterschool program will demonstrate proficiency in academic performance in literacy, mathematics, and science by the completion of year 1 (school year and summer).

Driven Empowered Youth, Inc.

Total Posts: 2

Joined 2014-06-06


School-level need statement: School data shows that over 50% of incoming freshmen are off track to graduation.

Program SMART Goal Template

Time:​ By the end of the first semester

Who:​ active 9th grade participants (30+ days) will demonstrate increase their Math and English

What:​ will demonstrate increase their Math and English grades

Measurement: as demonstrated by their 1st Semester grades.


Total Posts: 2

Joined 2020-04-14


School-level need statement: Based on state-wide assessments our economically disadvantaged students are experiencing an achievement gap with a federal index of 34%.
Program SMART Goal Template
Time:​ By the end of the 2021 program year

Who:​ Economically disadvantaged students

What:​ Reduce the achievement gap by 2.5%

Measurement: End of year standardized testing

School-level need: Based on state-wide assessments our economically disadvantaged students are experiencing an achievement gap with a federal index of 34%.
Program SMART Goal: By the end of the program year, the achievement gap for our economically disadvantaged students will be reduced by 2.5%, as measured by the FSA.

Mary Mullen

Total Posts: 1

Joined 2020-02-18


Chelsea Morgan - 04 May 2020 04:44 PM

Can you create a program SMART goal using this student need? Use the SMART goal template below to help you write one. Remember that SMART stands for, Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time bound.

School-level need statement: Reading records show that 58% of elementary students aren’t reading on grade level.​

Time:​ 2020-2021 school year

Who:​ Students attending ASM at least three days per week.

What:​ Increase their reading level by 2.

Measurement: School data

Reply to this post with an answer. By the end of the 2020-2021 school year, students attending ASM at least three days per week will increase reading levels by 2 as measured by school data.

Here two other examples of a school-level need and an accompanying Program SMART Goal.

School-level need: Only 60 percent of students are completing their multiyear service projects at an acceptable level.
Example Program SMART Goal: By the end of the program year, 80% of students who regularly attend the 21st CCLC program will successfully complete a service project, as measured by a completion rubric.

School-level need: School leaders report that, according to the National Standards, only 30 percent of 9th grade students possess the financial literacy knowledge that should be present at the 8th grade.
Example Program SMART Goal: By the end of the program year, 25% of students identified as in need will demonstrate 8th grade financial literacy knowledge as measured by pre- and post-assessment.


Total Posts: 2

Joined 2017-10-19


By the end of May 2021, 44% of regularly attending Crescent 21CCLC 4th grade program students who are not proficient in reading fluency, will increase reading fluency by 15%.  Results will be measured by State approved assessment.