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Great Academic/Enrichment Activity


Total Posts: 2

Joined 2014-06-09


Our older students really want to do something that matters. Service learning has been a favorite. We took “community service” - cleaning at the local food pantry - to the next level “service learning” by asking the middle school students how they cold expand on the activity.

They not only researched the global, national, statewide and local topic of hunger but also organized and promoted a local food drive, raised awareness by presenting their project at the quarterly showcase and hand-delivered the items to the local pantry.

Ideas for next year include planting flowers and painting at the pantry as well. We received a small local grant for service learning. Partnerships are growing and the students’ feeling of self-worth, accomplishment and connection to the community have all increased.

Chelsea Heffernan

Total Posts: 19

Joined 2015-04-30


Please add all your wonderful ideas for academic enrichment activities here. Let’s all share the great things we are doing!


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2020-04-14


I am a Site Coordinator for Mathis ISD High School and our most successful Academic Enrichment Activities were Food Science, Music Appreciation and Pirate Maker.


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2014-06-05


We have many STEM activities around problem solving.  Some are based on real life problems and some on fiction.  Examples of real life are reading about cleaning the oceans or researching how the pyramid were created and then they try to clean dirty oily water or team build pyramids.  Examples of fiction are “The Gingerbread Man” or “Three Billy Goat Gruff” and they create a swim suit that the gingerbread man doesn’t dissolve with or a different bridge creation.


Total Posts: 3

Joined 2018-09-19


I’m a Site Manager for the Clark County School District, I work at an elementary school during the school day hour planning activites for our students. We offered a variety of activites for our students I had an audience of about 150 students daily. One great academic/enrichment activity was the production of Disney’s, “The Jungle Book”. It was a combination of reading literacy during the academic hour learning all about Disney’s, “The Jungle Book”.  The students got to perform the play during the enrichment hour. They combined musically along with his/her unique talents to display that with a two day production of the Disney story in front of peers, parents, family and friends.