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Supporting After School Programs in a time of need


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2014-06-05


As you all know, areas of New York State and New Jersey have been hit hard by Super Storm Sandy. The devastation that the storm caused is overwhelming. Our thoughts have been and continue to be with all who have been affected by the storm in any way.
In an effort to help you support one another and the families you provide services to, the Expanded Learning Team at NYSED is sharing some resources that we hope will be helpful and will provide you a place to network, share ideas, and for those of you who may not have been directly affected by the storm, an opportunity to assist your colleagues, after school programs and the children around the state.
As programs begin to resume services, we understand that participants may show signs of trauma and worry. We have included links to three Mental Health Tip Sheets produced by the New York City Department of Health. Please share these resources with anyone who may need them.
Tips on Coping with Disasters and Other Stressful and Traumatic Events:
Tips on Taking Care of Your Family During Stressful and Traumatic Events:
Protecting Children from Disturbing Media Reports During Traumatic Events:
Information on the New York State schools that have been affected by Super Storm Sandy, including closures and relocations, is available at:
The following link is an interactive map developed by the New York State Afterschool Network, that reflects sites that receive funding dedicated to afterschool and expanded learning programs, including 21st CCLC. If you zoom in on the map you can locate individual program sites and addresses in order to connect directly with program providers.
We have been getting calls and e-mails from programs that have not suffered from the effects of the storm asking how they can help other programs who may be in need. Some suggestions that were mentioned were:
* Adopting programs
* Pen Pals
* Collecting program supplies
* Sending cards to the children participating in the programs
This message board is also a place where you can post messages for the purpose of sharing ideas about what may be helpful to your programs.
We will send additional resources as we receive them.

Now, more than ever, we thank you for what you do everyday for children and families!
Lori, Betsy and Carri
NYSED’s Expanded Learning Team