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Week 1: Conducting a Comprehensive Needs Assessment


Total Posts: 5

Joined 2017-04-14


What type of data will you collect?
What is an example of one SMART goal for your program?
Is there any additional support you need in developing a needs assessment?


Total Posts: 2

Joined 2017-09-19


We will collect the usual data- student, parent and staff surveys, assessment, attendance, focus group data and the like. This year I am excited to work on creating a data piece that focuses on multiple intelligence and using this data to drive the course offerings for our students. We are in the beginning stages of creating the right document to collect this data. We do not want it to be too time consuming but we also want it to be meaningful and reliable.

SMART goal- 80% of students who attend 30 days or more will be able to create a summer plan that relates their natural inclinations to summer course selections——I am still trying to work this one out. My goal is for students to be able to articulate that- for example- they are analytical thinkers and select courses that match that natural inclination and also know that they should develop in other areas and select courses to enhance- perhaps- their creative side.

Looking for suggestions on smart goals that clearly reflect that.


Total Posts: 5

Joined 2017-04-14


I’m liking the direction you’re going Karilyn. At the moment, the SMART goal seems geared toward students creating a learning plan. That’s fine of course, but are you looking more to form a goal around the outcomes you hope this change will bring about? Something like:

80% of students who create a personalized summer plan will show a “blank” increase in “blank” after completing 30 days of programming as measured by a pre and post survey.

You could fill in the blanks of course to align the goal with your students and your program. I do think using a pre and post survey would be good, because you could ask them to self assess on a point scale for data purposes, but also in writing for that kind of qualitative aspect you mentioned.

I hope this was helpful! ...and if it wasn’t, feel free to respond and clarify what else I can do. 😊

- Scott Sheldon


Total Posts: 2

Joined 2017-09-19


This is helpful because we are currently creating a pre and post survey around multiple intelligence, programming and assessment data