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Discussion Board

Webinar #2: Designing Activities for Family Engagement


Total Posts: 5

Joined 2017-04-14


What are some ways you have assessed the needs of your students’ families?
What are some events or activities you might try to implement in your program?
What are some leadership opportunities you could initiate to build relationships?


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2017-08-30


What are some ways you have assessed the needs of your students’ families?
We do a parent survey at the beginning of each year to find out what parents’ needs are and how those can be addressed throughout the year. We also do a survey at the end of the year asking what they liked about the program and asking for any suggestions for the upcoming year.

What are some events or activities you might try to implement in your program?
I love the idea of a homework contract. Homework is our biggest area of miscommunication. I think that will help everyone to be on the same page regarding homework expectations.
I would like to do more student-led events this year where they get to present their knowledge and skills. Those types of events are always well-attended. Parents love to see their kids shine!

What are some leadership opportunities you could initiate to build relationships?
While the controlling side of my personality shudders at the thought of handing over programming to someone else, I do think it would be very valuable to give parents the opportunity to plan an event or use their skills to be in a leadership role for an event. I love the suggestion of a parent career night. Too often we focus on what the parents might be lacking that we forget they do have a lot to offer our program.


Total Posts: 5

Joined 2017-04-14


These are great! I really appreciate that you contributed to the forum. I would like to highlight some of your observations during the final webinar on Wednesday. They bring a great perspective, and they actually tie into some of the content coming up. Thanks again!