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IDEA and 21st CCLC


Total Posts: 2

Joined 2014-06-05


Does anybody have a sense of whether there are 21st CCLC programs that are operating as a “related service” under the IDEA act?

Julie Daugherty

Total Posts: 3

Joined 2019-04-25


Educators can include Afterschool programs in the writing of an IEP when they feel that program will be a critical component of the student’s progress, so in this respect, you can consider a 21st CCLC program a “related service”. As to whether any discrete or specific 21st CCLC programs “operate” as a related service, that would seem to imply that the program was established with that sole purpose in mind, which is inherently NOT the case as 21st CCLC programs have a reach beyond the special education community. I hope this clarifies the question!