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Discussion Board

PBL Success Stories


Total Posts: 2

Joined 2019-09-30


Share a brief story about your experience with PBL or something from the Series that you are looking forward to trying.

Loren Prince

Total Posts: 4

Joined 2020-04-09


One experience with Project Based Learning I have had is a roller coaster design club created by another site director. I latched on to it because it sounded like it would be fun and engaging for students, but I didn’t take the time to learn the full scope of the project. The students enjoyed the project, but without taking the time before hand to plan better I don’t feel it lived up to its full potential as a PBL initiative.


Total Posts: 2

Joined 2019-09-30


Hello Loren. Thank you so much for sharing your experience. Reflecting on the PBL Phases and Steps covered during the series this week, how could you improve implementing that PBL initiative or any other in the future?

Who is coming next to share in our PBL Success Story Challenge? Can’t wait to hear from you!

Loren Prince

Total Posts: 4

Joined 2020-04-09


AFrancis - 14 May 2020 10:36 AM

Hello Loren. Thank you so much for sharing your experience. Reflecting on the PBL Phases and Steps covered during the series this week, how could you improve implementing that PBL initiative or any other in the future?

Who is coming next to share in our PBL Success Story Challenge? Can’t wait to hear from you!

For the roller coaster club I would start by having the students map out their knowledge about community parks or entertainment and involve them in the determining the inquiry direction. For what we actually did they simply created a 3D model of their own roller coaster, but I don’t think our Driving Question was well developed. Also: I will make sure to have a community connection for students to link their learning to; who in their community is doing the work related to their project.

I think even adding just those few elements would improve upon what the students were doing.

My goal would be to have my project meet all the steps of what we learned. I look forward to developing these ideas during my Work-From-Home period.