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Wonderful Writing Prompts

Sarah Brightwell

Total Posts: 77

Joined 2015-08-17


*If you were to pass a law to solve _____, what would it be and why?
*Project a picture and have them write a story about the picture.
*What is your skill or talent and how did you develop it?
*If you could jump into the story, which character would you be and why?
*Write about an emoji.
*Create a list of words they want to use to create a story.
*If you were a superhero, what would your super power be and why?
*If you could have any super power, what would it be? How would you use it?
*If you were the principal, what is one rule you would come up with?
*What was your favorite part of your week?
*Daily journals
*Brainstorm prompts and then vote on which one they want to write about.
*Would you rather go to the beach or camping? Why?
*If you were the principal, what is one rule you would come up with? Why?
*Sentence starters
*Expression with pictures
*Drawing and writing comics
*What, when, how, and where?
*Begin with a moral story.  Then write their response and tell how the moral ties not only into life but also into math.
*How was your day? Explain. Draw a picture about that.
*What did you do this weekend?
*If you could be any animal, what animal would you pick and why?
*Write about two things that would change if you were principal for a day.
*What would you like to learn this year?
*Narrative of an imaginary trip from the crust to the core, using info about the Earth structure and composition.
*Where do you see yourself at 100 years old?
*Go on nature walk. Write what you observe by sight, smell, hearing.
*If you’re a superhero in school, what super powers would you have and why?
*What would you do if they were the teacher for a day and why?


Total Posts: 5

Joined 2020-03-25


I love to give my students sentence starters. I also give them the beginning or end of a story and then they would write an end or beginning of the story.  I also love to give them prompts for them to be creative such as:

A day in the life of a pencil

What discussion do you think your pet will have with you?

What would you use a million dollars for?

If you could go to the moon, what would you take?

Jennifer Johnson

Total Posts: 2

Joined 2020-04-10


I like to use the book “TOPS AND BOTTOMS”  This story is about a bear and a rabbit, the Bear does not want to plant his garden so he asks the rabbits to plant his Vegetables. the bear and rabbit agree on what side of the ground he gets, so rabbit plants vegetables that grow under ground so bear gets all of what grows above ground bear is not satisfied with that choice. Rabbit then tells Bear that he gets the bottom of the plants. Rabbit plants vegetables that grow on top of the ground. bear is so mad now that he tells rabbit he whats the tops and bottoms of the plants. so rabbit plants a vegetable that grows in the middle of the plant and bear gets the top and bottom of the plants, by now the bear is so mad that he tells rabbit that he will plant and tend to his own garden next season.
this follows a science taste test of the vegetables in this book.
I have chosen this book because children get to eat the vegetables that are mentioned in this story. I have witnessed a child that has not eaten these types of veggies and this child had two plates of them.

supplies needed book Tops and Bottoms
Vegetables mentioned in this story
salad dressing ( ranch and thousand island )
small plates or bowels
and can possibly use the K-W-H-A-Q chart

Jennifer Johnson

Total Posts: 2

Joined 2020-04-10


JenniferJohnson sentence starters

Sarah Brightwell

Total Posts: 77

Joined 2015-08-17


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