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Discussion Board

Family, Parent, and Youth Advisory Boards

Sarah Brightwell

Total Posts: 77

Joined 2015-08-17


Hi ChiaX,

I know we discussed your discussion during the webinar but wanted to provide a recap her and a link to a few additional resources.

For the recruitment/application process, we suggested thinking about the current level of family engagement/participation you receive now at family events. If typically not super high, we would suggest open participation on the advisory board to encourage that engagement. If typically very high, then you may need an application process to keep it at a manageable number but don’t make the application too long or complicated. Ask about availability and commitment to activities you need the advisory board engaged in such as advisory board meetings, advocacy, or family events. This should ensure a great group on your advisory board.

For training, we suggested the Family Engagement course but I’ve also linked a few trainings to go (ready to use/customize trainings) and tools that might be helpful as well:

Community Asset Mapping TTG:
Developing Program Champions TTG:

Getting Members on Your Program Team:
Program Team Communication Process Form:
Sample Planning Meeting Agenda:
Sample Family Handbook:
Family Engagement Activity Types:
Family Engagement Communication and Record Keeping:
Focus Group Protocol Sample:
Planning for Developing Program Champions:


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2020-03-16


Do you have any suggestions on how to effectively and equitably form advisory boards? We want to create a family advisory board to meet with us about our OST programming, but I don’t know where to start. We started by sending out a flyer to families to seek interest. Should we have interested people “apply” to participate? Should we allow everyone who’s interested to participate? And once there are advisory boards established, do you have any trainings or recommendations on how to lead those groups effectively?