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Discussion Board

Program Activities

Total Posts: 5

Joined 2015-08-17


Few thoughts:

- consider a survey, focus group, youth group, youth advisory board when determining program activities.  Too often, we provide programs without any input from the students we are serving. 

- be flexible in your thinking of programming!!!  As part of my program, we offer a Cosmetology program, Fashion Design, Tae Kwon Do, Computer App Design, Anime/Manga/Comic Book Club, Video Game Design Program… and guess what?  They’re ALL aligned to the Common Core Standards, have engaged our students, have college/career components, and…. our students remain in the activity throughout the program year!! 

- don’t reinvent the wheel!:  if you’re host school (if you’re operating out of one) already offers a program the students enjoy, consider enlisting the program as a ‘wraparound service’.


Total Posts: 6

Joined 2014-06-06


If you are looking for a tool to help you facilitate some brainstorming with your youth around possible program activities, consider using the Planner for Brainstorming ( from the Project Based Learning tools.

Another good resource for those of you who lead staff development and training is Getting and Using Youth Input Training to Go ( This is a fully formed PowerPoint with script and handouts—just customize it for your staff to get them started!