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Total Posts: 47

Joined 2014-06-05


Robin stated:  The authenticity scenarios has me a bit confused about the difference between civic engagement/learning vs. project based learning.

Robin,  They are both authentic on some level.  The examples were civic learning examples.  In this case, students were doing civic learning (addressing an issue and/or trying to impact an issue).  The authenticity poll was used to try and illustrate that to have a truly authentic PBL activity, it must be relevant to students, utilize authentic roles and tools, focus on real world issues/problems/products, and have the final product delivered/presented to an authentic, interested audience.  There was only one example (#1) that met all those criteria.

As I said in the webinar, there is nothing wrong with starting slow and there is no shame in not getting everything perfect on the first try.  What I want to encourage everyone to do is to start using some of the strategies we talk about over the next four weeks and continue over time implementing the full program.
