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Webinar 3 Exit Question—What is the one area of Project-Based Learning that still has you a feeling bit anxious or unprepared to do?
Please share your answer to the exit questiion.
I think the biggest obstacle is getting the resources to take students on field trips…as well as the limited amount of time available in the afterschool setting.
Teacher buy-in to Project-Bases learning due to time commitment, sharing the process with the students and being out of their norm.
Our project based learning projects last at least two weeks. I’m anxious about keeping the students engaged in one topic for a lengthy amount of time.
I am really enjoying the webinar and the thoroughness of the presentations and resources.
Everything make sense in terms of structure and purpose. I guess my only fear is that I haven’t done it with students as yet, and I want to get started.
I am a bit anxious on how to gather interests from students. We have done brainstorming and surveys before but I don’t think I can get what students are concerned about in their community from them. They have basically been activity interest surveys.
My biggest anxiety is having the time to train my staff so that our programming moves from teacher directed to project based learning. When we are all only funded for 4-5 hours a day and most of those are time with students, it’s another thing to jam into already limited time. We’ve started making strides in this direction, but it’s going to be a process.
ability to encourage HS students to believe they can be an effective part of a solution to a community need - enough so that they are moved to action (project)
Teacher buy-in to Project-Bases learning due to time commitment, sharing the process with the students and being out of their norm.
I agree, as a program director it will be a challenge to educate teachers on how this process works. If this series is repeated I would really like them to view it
Being able to keep the students engaged in one particular topic for a long period of time.
I am anxious on how to gather what is meaningful for the youth. We have done interest surveys but they are mainly just for activities that we have done.
The hardest thing for me is time management and staying on task after interruptions.
The area of project based learning that still has me feeling a bit unprepared for is obtaining youth voice/choice. We have been choosing the project areas for our youth and I was wondering how others get input from their youth.
This a good resource and I’m looking forward to trying new skills. I am the only staff in an optional drop-in homework room for youth enrolled in a program on site (not on a school campus). I am unsure how to execute a successful project with uncertain numbers, ages, and limited staff.
Staff are concerned with the amount of time it takes to plan, gather resources and implement PBL.
The one area of PBL that still has me feeling anxious or unprepared is keeping the students engaged in the project from start to finish.