Aligning With the School Day


Estimated time to complete: 3 hours

Upon completion, you’ll receive a Basic Level certificate of completion.

Learn about potential benefits and considerations for building relationships with school-day staff, helping them understand your out-of-school time program’s role in supporting whole child development and student success, coordinating efforts to address student needs, and communicating about homework help and completion.

Chapter 1

After completing this chapter, you’ll be able to:

  • Explain the purpose of aligning out-of-school time (OST) activities with the school day.
  • Describe the key components of aligning with the school day.
  • Identify potential impacts and benefits.

Chapter 2

After completing this chapter, you’ll be able to:

  • Describe the roles of key stakeholders who share responsibility for student learning.
  • Define the data sets for conducting a program needs assessment.
  • Explain the six key components of aligning with the school day.
  • Describe strategies to intentionally design activities based on student needs.

Chapter 3

After completing this chapter, you’ll be able to:

  • Explain the importance of implementing with fidelity.
  • Apply four elements of implementing with fidelity.
  • Use various strategies to measure fidelity of implementation.

Implementation Strategies

Estimated time to complete: 5-7 hours

Upon completion, you’ll receive an Advanced Level certificate of completion.

Get tools and strategies to help you plan, design, implement, and assess your out-of-school time’s approach aligning with the school day. Upon complete this section of the course, you’ll be able to:

  • Describe implementation strategies for six key components of aligning out-of-school time programs with the school day.
  • Explain how each component supports alignment of program activities and school-day learning to address student needs.
  • Identify relevant Y4Y tools and resources to support alignment with the school day.

Coaching My Staff

Estimated time to complete: 1 hour

Upon completion, you’ll receive a Leadership Level certificate of completion.

Build your staff’s skills and capacity to implement the six key components of aligning with the school day. After completing this section of the course, you’ll be able to

  • Train and support your out-of-school time staff to align your program with the school day to support program goals and student success.
  • Select Y4Y trainings that meet your staff’s needs.


Find tools you can customize or use “as is” to help you plan, design, implement and assess appropriate alignment of out-of-school time activities with school-day learning.

Learn More Library

Visit the Learn More Library for links to external resources to support and enrich student learning and development as you align program activities with the school day, student needs, and program goals.

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