Continuous Education

Introduction to Continuous Education Through 21st CCLC Activities

Estimated time to complete: 2 hours

Upon completion, you will receive a Basic Level certificate of completion.

Explore the benefits and importance of continuing student education from the school day into 21st CCLC program experiences. Learn the six key components that support and nurture strong partnerships between school-day and 21st CCLC programs.

Implementation Strategies

Estimated time to complete: 5-7 hours

Upon completion, you will receive an Advanced Level certificate of completion.

Put the six key components into action with these practical steps: build relationships that ensure learning and development, collaborate with school-day leaders, and use data together to support student success.

After completing this section, you'll be able to

  • Understand strategies for getting and keeping school-day leaders on your program planning team.
  • Learn how to engage key stakeholders.
  • Be able to conduct a comprehensive program needs assessment.
  • Define and implement the elements of intentionally designing and facilitating activities that meet student needs.
  • Understand strategies for recruiting and retaining high-quality staff.
  • Determine key resources to assist in ensuring fidelity of implementation.

Coaching My Staff

Estimated time to complete: 1 hour

Upon completion, you will receive a Leadership Level certificate of completion. 

Make staff development an ongoing part of building a high-quality program. Get tips, tools and pointers to help your team ensure the continuation of learning from the school day to the 21st CCLC program.

After completing this section, you'll be able to

  • Identify primary reasons for implementing a purposeful professional learning plan.
  • Create a professional learning plan for your staff.
  • Integrate tips for coaching your staff.
  • Get started on continuing education through 21st CCLC activities.


Find ready-to-use and customizable tools that can assist you in planning, implementing and expanding your continuous education efforts.

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