Online Professional Learning and
Technical Assistance for
21st Century Community Learning Centers

Train Your Staff

Career Pathways for Students

Find ways to incorporate age-appropriate career awareness, exploration and preparation activities into your current program culture and practices. Learn about using self-assessment tools to help students discover their interests and dispositions — and possible careers where they can shine. 

Citizen Science

When thinking about implementing citizen science in your program there are a few things you and your staff need to ask yourself before you get started: What project is the best for my program? and Are we prepared to implement? Design training tools and plan for implementation so staff and you have a great experience with citizen science.

Civic Learning and Engagement

For an effective civic learning and engagement program, your staff will need to know how to introduce content in ways appropriate to student ages and stages of development, know how to facilitate activities, and understand the main goal of civic learning and engagement projects. Use these training tools to help staff succeed!

Continuous Education

Learning during out-of-school time can boost academic engagement and achievement in schools.

Creating a Positive Learning Environment

Training and preparing staff to develop a positive and supportive atmosphere for the students and families you serve is so valuable. Adding professional learning about building positive learning environments to your schedule will be key to maintaining your program's culture and climate.

Family Engagement

Family engagement takes understanding the strengths and challenges of program families, finding multiple ways to get them involved and supporting them as they support their children. Design trainings and tools and plan for implementation to improve your program's family engagement efforts.

Financial Literacy

Training your staff on incorporating financial literacy into 21st CCLC program activities will help them continue to build professional knowledge and will support students and families for success in school and in life. 

Fiscal Management

Prepare your staff to learn the ins and outs on inventory records management. They'll learn requirements for keeping a current and accurate inventory of non-consumable supplies and equipment and identify practices that ensure timely and accurate reporting of inventory.

Human Resources

Your successful 21st CCLC program consists of outstanding educators who also need to take an active role in the mechanics of human resources. Use these tools to empower site coordinators and mid-level administrators to help with successful recruitment, to ensure a positive work environment and to realize the staff retention that will result from effective communications.

Including Students With Disabilities

True inclusion of students with disabilities in your program requires that staff have an understanding of several dimensions. Use these Trainings To Go and accompanying tools to bring your staff up to speed on how the law protects students with disabilities, how staff can navigate accommodations documents to best support these students and how best to respond to your students that may be communicating needs in non-verbal ways. 

Introduction to 21st Century Community Learning Centers

Explore Y4Y professional development resources that address the many dimensions of 21st CCLC programming, and begin to develop your own plan to train staff so your new program can hit the ground running. 


Understanding literacy, reinforcing key literacy skills, and deepening school day literacy-learning will have a lasting impact on your students for the future. Design trainings and tools and plan for implementation so staff and youth engage in high quality literacy skill building experiences in your program.

Managing Your 21st CCLC Program

Effectively managing your 21st CCLC program takes an understanding of project management skills and critical tasks. Use these trainings with your staff to ensure a high-quality 21st CCLC program.

Math Without Fear

Get customizable, ready-to-use training materials to help staff, volunteers, tutors, and homework helpers understand math anxiety, its effects on student learning and engagement, and concrete ways to help students who experience it — even if you’re not a math expert yourself.

Project-Based Learning

Projects take time, planning and execution. Design trainings and tools and plan for implementation so staff and youth have successful project-based learning experiences.

Social and Emotional Learning

Stages of Child and Adolescent Development

When your staff has a basic understanding of the theories, stages and areas of child and adolescent development, your 21st CCLC program is best equipped to interact with children and youth, design supportive learning environments and respond to various behaviors. Use these customizable trainings and tools to build a focused program team, partner with families and build meaningful connections with students.


Preparing your space and your staff for guiding the comprehensive learning approach that successful STEAM programming achieves will require unique and dedicated professional development. Use these customizable trainings and tools to instruct staff on how to set up your space for optimal experiential opportunities, adopt design thinking and connect this learning method to real-world problem-solving.

Strategic Partnerships

Utilizing partnerships takes understanding program needs, identifying potential partners, and effectively integrating partners into your work. Design trainings and tools and plan for implementation to make partnerships a larger part of your program.

Student Voice and Choice

Guide your staff through professional development that helps them “reset” some traditional practices. You’ll honor student voice and choice more effectively when you engage in these tools and trainings to assess your assumptions about students, create an environment that amplifies student voice and sharpen your facilitation practices.

Summer Learning

Developing a high-quality summer learning program takes understanding of embedding academic enrichment activities, 21st century skills and designing positive youth development environments. Design trainings and tools, and train your staff to implement focused and intentional summer learning programs.

Supporting English Learners

To create a supportive, high-quality program for your English learners, your staff will need to know how to assess the needs of their English learners, build cultural/background and vocabulary knowledge, and create a safe environment for their students. Train your staff early and often! Start with these trainings to go and customize as needed. 

The Virtual Edge

Prepare your staff to use virtual technologies to engage students and address diverse learning needs in three types of settings: in person, hybrid and fully virtual. Your staff will apply virtual powers to select and use technology tools as they build capacity and expand learning opportunities for students.  

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