Online Professional Learning and
Technical Assistance for
21st Century Community Learning Centers

Trainings to Go

Trainings to Go are hour-long training plans that include a PowerPoint, handouts, and training guides. Click the trainings to get tips on how to customize professional development plans to fit different staff needs, training time frames, and training goals.

Introduction to Civic Learning and Engagement

Learn more about civic learning and engagement projects, and begin to see the process in action. All participants will gain ideas for how to include civic learning and engagement in their programs.

Ages and Stages of Youth Development

You'll reflect on childhood experiences to understand childhood and adolescent characteristics and behaviors that will support your work when implementing civic learning and engagement activities.

Incorporating the Democratic Process

Learn more about the value of including the democratic process in programming and gain ideas for incorporating the democratic process into projects and activities.

Linking With School-Day Civics

Learn how you can make stronger connections between your civic learning and engagement activities in out-of-school time to the civics learning occurring in school, so that young people can benefit from continuity in their learning.

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