Online Professional Learning and
Technical Assistance for
21st Century Community Learning Centers

Trainings To Go

Trainings to Go are hour-long training plans that include a PowerPoint, handouts, and training guides. Click the trainings to get tips on how to customize professional development plans to fit different staff needs, training time frames, and training goals.

Developing an Elevator Speech

As each of us goes about our day, we never know who we will meet or what we will encounter. We may have conversations or run into situations that pop up that actually present opportunities for ourselves or our program. Whether a potential partner, funder or volunteer, it’s always best to have something prepared to share. Without a well-thought-out message, it may be hard to quickly describe all the wonderful aspects of our program, so today we’ll develop an elevator speech. 

Developing Program Champions

As we all work in our afterschool programs at our individual sites, it can, at times, seem a little isolating. We get bogged down in the day to day, and when that happens, we may lose sight of all the “good” going on in our program.  But rest assured, your hard work is not going unnoticed, and every day you have an impact on students, families and the community.  Those stakeholders are our program champions — supporting, promoting and advocating for our program because of the work that you do.

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