Online Professional Learning and
Technical Assistance for
21st Century Community Learning Centers

21st CCLC SEA Technical Assistance Webinars

Wednesday, November 16, 2022 at 1:30 PM (Eastern)


The U.S. Department of Education supports the continuous improvement of the 21st CCLC programs at the State level by offering technical assistance to State Coordinators to build capacity in various areas related to state policies and processes. As part of this support, several webinars have been hosted to provide insight and guidance to the SEAs in implementing the 21st CCLC program.


21st CCLC Program Monitoring, TA & Data System Roll Out

21st Century Community Learning Centers and Student Mentoring Programs

21st Century Community Learning Centers Subgrantee Monitoring Series 101: The Introduction (New)

21st Century Community Learning Centers Subgrantee Monitoring Series 102: Developing Monitoring Processes, Plans, & Tools (New)

A to Z on Preparing for an Application to 21st CCLC Programs

Building Culturally Responsive and Inclusive Programming in 21st CCLC

Building Literacy Skills in 21st CCLC OST Programs 

Capacity Building for State 21st CCLC Programs

Equity in Grant Making

Evaluation Approaches, Methods and Tools

Evaluation: Series Part 3

Expanded Learning Time Programs and 21st CCLC 

Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partners and Community-Based Entities: Applying for U.S Department of Education (ED) Grants

Funding Streams and 21st CCLC Programming 

Implementing Summer Learning Programs in 21st CCLC 

Introduction to 21st CCLC New SEA Director's Toolkit

Healthy Eating and Physical Activity in 21st CCLC Programs

Managing Award Cycles

Measuring and Managing Risk: Risk Assessment and Analysis in 21st CCLC Programs

New State Directors

Organizing and Supporting Statewide Evaluation

Preparing an Application for 21st CCLC RFP and Understanding the Review Process: Dialogue with 21st CCLC State Directors and 21st CCLC Applicants

Promoting Family Engagement Practices in 21st CCLC Programs

School and Afterschool Learning Connections for 21st CCLC  Programs

Serving and Supporting High School Level Youth Through 21st CCLC Programs 

Setting up Subgrantees for Success in Data Collection: from Data Collection and Planning to Continuous Improvement

Social Emotional Learning Skills and 21st CCLC Programs

Strategies and Approaches to Statewide Evaluation

Student Safety in 21st CCLC Afterschool Programs 

Subgrantee Monitoring and Support

Summer Slides, Rolling Tides, and Riding the waves of 21st CCLC to Reduce Learning Loss in 2021

Supporting Subgrantee Program Sustainability Planning 

Teaching and Learning STEM in 21st CCLC Programs

To Supplement and not Supplant! Supplements, Sustainability, and Strategies that Work

Uniform Guidance: Supporting and Managing the Post-Award Process with Subgrantees

Utilizing TA and Professional Development

Writing State Requests for Applications

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