Online Professional Learning and
Technical Assistance for
21st Century Community Learning Centers

A Recipe for Summer Program Success

Wednesday, October 04, 2017 at 1:00 PM (Eastern)


It's never too early to plan for next summer's 21st CCLC program!

In this first event in a 4-part series presented by The Y4Y Summer Learning Initiative team, program directors and site coordinators from across the country discussed the process they used to implement Summer Learning programs during the past school year. They discussed the benefits of using an implementation planning tool to guide summer program development. 

The webinar series will continue to support your planning as the school year continues. Here are topic overviews for the next three events:

December 2017, Summer Showcase 2: Get tools and advice as you dive in to the first four planning steps: build a team, conduct a needs assessment, write SMART goals, and plan logistics.

February 2018, Summer Showcase 3: Go deep into intentional activity design. Learn how to tie program activities to student needs, and get tools to support your work.

April 2018, Summer Showcase 4: Focus on the final steps of planning: recruit the right students to attend, and use a continuous improvement process to grow staff skills and student achievement.

Feedback Form and Web Links

Feedback Form [Click Here]

Summer Learning Planner [Click Here]

Y4Y Summer Learning Course [Click Here

Y4Y Webinars [Click Here]


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