Online Professional Learning and
Technical Assistance for
21st Century Community Learning Centers

Implementing Project-Based Learning With Y4Y

Wednesday, September 26, 2018 at 1:00 PM (Eastern)


Project-based learning uses inquiry and hands-on activities to explore content in a way that emphasizes student voice and choice. Join the Department’s Y4Y Technical Assistance Team for this two-part series, and learn how Y4Y resources can support your work with students to craft a driving question, facilitate an investigation, and work toward a culminating event.

Learners will be able to

  • Explain components of the three phases of project-based learning.
  • Follow the steps to plan, define, implement and assess high-quality project-based learning activities.
  • Use authentic resources and tools to develop and implement project-based learning activities.

Click here to watch Project-Based Learning: Introduce and Prepare (Phase 1)

Click here to watch Project-Based Learning: Define and Implement (Phase 2), Celebrate, Reflect and Assess (Phase 3)

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