Online Professional Learning and
Technical Assistance for
21st Century Community Learning Centers

Needs Assessment Survey

Strategy 1: Reviewing RFP

  1. I need to know if I am eligible for a 21st CCLC grant.

Strategy 2: Bringing Stakeholders Together

  1. I need to know who should be on my team.

  1. I need to know how to get stakeholders on my team.

Strategy 3: Conducting a Needs Assessment

  1. I need to know what data I need to collect.

  1. I need to know how to map assets.

  1. I need to know how to write SMART goals.

Strategy 4: Creating a Basic Operational Plan

  1. I need to know how to set up a site operations plan.

  1. I need to know more about the logistics that I need to consider.

Strategy 5: Intentional Activity Design

  1. I need to know how to intentionally design activities.

  1. I need to know more about the types of activities I should be providing.

  1. I need to know more about learning strategies.

Strategy 6: Targeting Students for Recruitment

  1. I need to know best strategies for getting students to my program.

Strategy 7: Staffing and Human Resources

  1. I need to know who I should recruit to be a part of my staff.

  1. I need recruiting and interview strategies.

  1. I need human resource information.

Strategy 8: Communication

  1. I need to know how to create a communication plan.

Strategy 9: Creating a Budget

  1. I need to know how to create a budget template.

  1. I need to know what I can spend our funds on.

Strategy 10: Creating a Continuous Improvement Plan

  1. I need to know more about the steps of the continuous improvement process.

  1. I need tools on helping my program continuously improve.

Strategy 11: Planning for Sustainability

  1. I need to know how to connect to partners.

  1. I need to know how best to plan for sustainability in my program.

My Notebook

Introduction to 21st CCLC

The Notebook is a useful way to jot down notes as you go through the various topics available on the You For Youth website. If you'd like to use the notebook, please sign in if you already have an account or register now to join the Y4Y community!


Introduction to 21st CCLC

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