
Overview of Project-Based Learning

After completing this overview, you’ll be able to

  • Define project-based learning.
  • Understand the history of project-based learning.
  • Explain how project-based learning benefits students.
  • Explain strategies for incorporating project-based learning in 21st CCLC.
  • Describe the elements of a high-quality project-based learning experience.

Chapter 1: Phase 1 Introduce and Prepare

After completing this chapter, you’ll be able to

  • Work with the program team to prepare for a project-based learning activity.
  • Connect your project-based learning activity to student needs and voice.
  • Launch the project to students, and use mind mapping to help students focus the topic.
  • Facilitate development of a driving question that addresses the six A’s. 

Chapter 2: Phase 2 Define and Implement

After completing this chapter, you’ll be able to

  • Describe the second phase of project-based learning.
  • Understand how students will actively plan for and implement their project work.
  • Describe different strategies to facilitating student inquiry.

Chapter 3: Phase 3 Celebrate, Reflect and Assess

After completing this chapter, you’ll be able to

  • Summarize the third phase of project-based learning.
  • Explain the importance of a culminating product or event.
  • Describe ways students can reflect on and document their own learning.
  • Discuss strategies to assess student learning.

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