Online Professional Learning and
Technical Assistance for
21st Century Community Learning Centers

The U.S. Department of Education’s 21st CCLC Summer Symposium 2021

Building Equity and Unity

Session times are in EDT timezone

Building Equity and Unity

Wednesday, July 21
2:05 pm - 3:20 pm

African American English and Inclusion

Define and learn about the history of African American Vernacular English (AAVE) and barriers that affect the way children learn. Discover strategies and how to support dual language learners who speak AAVE. Examine how to support the children you serve by providing resources that reflect their home language in the classroom.

Tiffany Grant, Business Development Manager/ Coach, First children's Finance/ Excell Academy for Higher Learning

Wednesday, July 21
2:05 pm - 3:20 pm

Black Adolescent Males Drowning in American Masculinity

This workshop will explore the various meanings of masculinity and how it relates to young black males and their trauma.

Colber Prosper, CEO & Senior Consultant, Prosper & Partners, LLC

Tuesday, July 20
12:30 pm - 1:45 pm

Consulting and Coordinating with Other State Agencies

Learn how Minnesota's WSCC interagency group meets quarterly to align the common goals of the State of Minnesota agencies to put into action a whole child approach to youth program implementation.

Eric Billiet, Expanded Learning Specialist, Minnesota Department of Education

Terri Swartout, School Health Coordinator, Minnesota Department of Education

Wednesday, July 21
11:15 am - 12:30 pm

Creating a Positive Afterschool Learning Environment

Our language and interactions send a signal to students and stakeholders. Make that signal one of nurture and caring by providing a positive learning environment with all the feels. Join the U.S. Department of Education’s You for Youth (Y4Y) Technical Assistance Team as they discuss the importance of designing a welcoming afterschool space, provide strategies for developing a positive learning environment, and offer ideas for maximizing outcomes through programming that makes students feel safe and ready to learn. Group hug!

Kathleen Bethke, Instructional Design Specialist, Synergy Enterprises, Inc.

Sherri Lauver, Lead Content Specialist, You for Youth

Thursday, July 22
1:05 pm - 2:20 pm

Creating and Sustaining Equitable Out-of-School Programs

This session will help attendees develop and maintain equitable out-of-school programs. Key topics addressed include: developing a shared language and vision of equity, culturally responsive pedagogies and practices, understanding adverse childhood experiences and trauma, culturally competent and diverse workforce, and continual assessment and sustainability. Presenters will include an example of their work in practice. Will include a Q&A segment.

Jan Perry Evenstad, Director, Western Educational Equity Assistance Center

Paula Johnson, Director, IDRA EAC-South

Susan Shaffer, Director, MAEC Center for Education Equity

Seena Skelton, Director, Midwest & Plains Equity Assistance Center

Thursday, July 22
1:05 pm - 2:20 pm

Elevating Your Tribal Engagement: Programs and Essential Understandings

Do you have programs in Indian Country or serve large numbers of American Indian, Native Alaskan or Native Hawaiian students? Join this session where you can explore discretionary and formula funding though the Department of Education’s Office of Indian Education, how to braid those funds with your 21st CCLC program, how to manage required tribal consultation and how to intentional design activities that meet the unique needs of your students.

Kathleen Bethke, Instructional Design Specialist, Synergy Enterprises, Inc.

Sarah Brightwell, Technical Assistance Lead, Synergy Enterprises, Inc.

Julian Guerrero, Director, Office of Indian Education

Donna Sabis-Burns, Group Leader-Discretionary Grants, Office of Indian Education

Thursday, July 22
1:05 pm - 2:25 pm

Equity and Inclusion in Action: Using a Framework to Transform STEM Programming

Learn how to take action with equity. In this session you’ll learn about the Equity and Inclusion Framework, specifically designed for STEM learning, providing strategies and tactics for creating more equitable experiences.

Brenda Britsch, Senior Research Scientist, National Girls Collaborative

Alicia Santiago, Program Director, National Science Foundation in the Division of Research on Learning

Thursday, July 22
11:30 am - 12:45 pm

Giving Kids the Vocabulary to Express their Feelings: Closing the Equity Gap with SEL

Participants will learn strategies to support students’ social and emotional development by emphasizing a vocabulary and language to identify and express their emotions that they can use throughout their lives. In doing so, adults also learn more about their own strengths and areas for improvement in verbal and nonverbal communication. Participants will leave with strategies they can implement immediately to foster SEL in all kids and educators.

Katie Frazier, SEL Trainer, WINGS for Kids

Nicole Williams, Partnership Training Specialist, Wings for Kids

Tuesday, July 20
3:25 pm - 4:40 pm

Heart-centered Strategies That Build Trust, Connection, and a Community for Success

This presentation will address trauma’s consequences and facilitate healing. Highly engaging, it teaches practical strategies that provide the coping skills young people desperately need today to build a healthy self-image, build resilience and not live in the mistakes and misfortunes of their past.

Jessica Janniere, Adversity Expert, Look Up and Beyond Inc.

Wednesday, July 21
11:15 am - 12:30 pm

IF/THEN Collection: Inspiring the Next Generation of Women in STEM

Do you care about inspiring girls to pursue STEM? In this session you will learn about the IF/THEN Collection, a digital library designed to help ensure equitable gender representation in STEM. If she can see it, then she can be it. Let's inspire the next generation of innovators!

Jessica Hay, Marketing and Partnerships Manager, National Girls Collaborative

Tuesday, July 20
3:25 pm - 4:40 pm

Implementing Social and Emotional Learning in Your 21st CCLC Program

This presentation will look at Horizon Education Centers’ experiences in prioritizing Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) at their 21st CCLC sites last school year. Participants will learn what SEL is, why it is important, how to intentionally practice and promote SEL, and Horizon will share what lessons they have learned.

Melissa Snively, 21st CCLC Education Services Coordinator, Horizon Education Centers

Thursday, July 22
1:05 pm - 2:25 pm

Inclusion and Art Integration

In this interactive workshop we will explore what arts integration is, look at different co-teaching models, introduce tools, and experience a sample inclusive arts integrated lesson plan. In addition, participants will explore what inclusion is and accommodations to create an inclusive classroom setting for exceptional and non-traditional learning students.

Lydia Real-Gravel, 21st CCLC Program Director, UCP of Central Florida

Wednesday, July 21
2:05 pm - 3:20 pm

Increasing Technology Confidence Through SEL Integration

This interactive session will dive into how BellXcel Remote discovered unintended positive impacts on the way teachers engage with students and influence their technology confidence and reduce stress. Learn strategies to engage students in ways that lower tech anxiety while encouraging participation in a safe and supportive learning environment.

Danny Martinez, Senior Consultant, Sperling Center for Research and Innovation

Wednesday, July 21
11:15 am - 12:30 pm

Learnings from the Development of an Equity-oriented Youth Program Guidelines in RI

Our session consists of three sections: 1) Overview of our EAA guidelines, 2) Learnings from the collaboration of a local OST network and the 21st CCLC programs in RI, and 3) Participants’ interactive planning activity on timely approaches to enhance their 21st CCLC program quality assessment by incorporating equity lenses.

Kate Aubin, Teen Educator, Providence Public Library

Cherima Folston, Director of Programs & Professional Development, Boys & Girls Club of Pawtucket

Kuni Yasutake, Quality Advisor, The RI 21st CCLC Network

Wednesday, July 21
2:05 pm - 3:20 pm

Media Mentorship: Engaging Families and Our Communities

This workshop will focus on empowering program leaders, families, and students to maximize digital literacy skills with a Media Mentorship Program. We will start by defining media literacy and its importance in 21st century education. We delve deeper into the ways that program leaders can implement media mentorship programs within their existing programs. As we discuss media mentorship, we will also propose an intentional plan for incorporating digital literacy, online safety, and digital citizenship into 21st Century education programs to better prepare students for the workforce.

Kayla Solinsky, Executive Director, Macbeth Academy

Nygel White, Program, Production & Engagement Coordinator, Hartford Public Library

Thursday, July 22
11:30 am - 12:45 pm

Million Girls Moonshot: Changing the Trajectory of Women in STEM

Explore new opportunities and pathways to engage girls in STEM content in afterschool programs with the STEM Next Opportunity Fund and NASA. The Million Girls Moonshot seeks to re-imagine who can engineer, who can build, who can make. It will inspire and prepare the next generation of innovators by engaging one million more girls in STEM learning opportunities through afterschool and summer programs over the next 5 years.

Maria Arredondo, Education Programs Specialist, NASA Office of STEM Engagement

Patti Curtis, Robert Noyce/Ellen Lettvin STEM Education Fellow, U.S. Department of Education

Nikesha Davis, Aerospace Engineer, NASA Goddard Space Center

Teresa Drew, Deputy Director, STEM Next Opportunity Fund

Loren Farmer, Program Coordinator, WV Statewide Afterschool Network

Robert LaSalvia, Strategic Partnership Manager, NASA

Áine Shivnan, Vice President, Program Management, Qualcomm

Anna Wishart, Director of Partnerships, Nebraska Children and Families Foundation

Thursday, July 22
1:05 pm - 2:25 pm

Multicultural Education

Research suggests that teachers' perception influence how to interact with students from diverse backgrounds as well as impact student achievement. In this presentation, the participants will receive background research to support the need for multicultural education in schools and will leave with practical strategies for implementing multicultural education in the classroom.

Dorothy Neal, Site Coordinator, Walton County

No recording available


Tuesday, July 20
12:30 pm - 1:45 pm

Partner Build Grow: Tools for the Sustainability of School-Connected Initiatives

Learn a process by which stakeholders can determine how best to align school and community programs so that they can build and sustain safe and supportive environments for all students to thrive. Understanding community context and practical frameworks, and using examples from local, state, and national efforts, four steps will be presented that have helped stakeholders develop and strengthen school-connected programs that support student success. Attendees will leave with information on how to deepen school-community partnerships and to access tools for supporting school-connected and community programs.

Rachel Sadlon, Associate Director, Research and Evaluation, Center for Health and Health Care in Schools

Tuesday, July 20
3:25 pm - 4:40 pm

Partners for Student Success – How We Level the Playing Field for Struggling Students

Partners for Student Success will present information on how the program builds equity and unity for struggling students, attending high-poverty and low-performing school districts in urban or rural settings. Examples of affordable STEAM program offerings and community partnerships that have successfully engaged students (K-12) will be shared.

Judith Varn, P4SS Education Program Director, Greater Cleveland Neighborhood Centers Association

Allison Wallace, Executive Director, Greater Cleveland Neighborhood Centers Association

Tuesday, July 20
12:30 pm - 1:45 pm

Practices and Procedures for Including Students with Disabilities

Everyone benefits when your 21st CCLC program embraces all students, which you’re closer to achieving when you include students with disabilities. In this session, the Department of Education’s You for Youth (Y4Y) Technical Assistance Team will break down how to create a program environment that is inclusive for all learners. We’ll talk about how the elements of your program - from the language you use to the space you occupy - can make your 21st CCLC site a supportive environment for all students. We’ll also provide you with concrete strategies and resources you can apply in your program.

Yana List, Education Specialist, You for Youth

David McConnell, Lead Training Specialist, You for Youth

Wednesday, July 21
11:15 am - 12:30 pm

Resilient Leaders

In this workshop you will learn the skills necessary to be a resilient leader. We will discuss the difference between an assumed leader and a developed leader. You will leave with the knowledge on how to use resilience skills to become a better leader for your team.

Rey Medellin, Resilience Specialist, Island Resilience Center

Tuesday, July 20
12:30 pm - 1:45 pm

See and Be Seen, Observing SEL Skill to Build SEL Equity

Socio-emotional skills are at the center of the 21st CCLC theory of change because SEL skills have a compounding effect on many developmental outcomes (e.g., academic achievement) and must be accurately “seen” to build SEL equity. Three best practice methods of observing children’s SEL skills are introduced to participants with guidance for use.

Charles Smith, Managing Consultant, Qturn, LLC

Lucy Smith, Research Consultant and Communications Lead, Qturn, LLC

Thursday, July 22
11:30 am - 12:45 pm

Smart Strategies for Financially Savvy Youth

This session will provide teachers who are working to meet financial literacy standards with resources they can use in their classrooms immediately. Additionally, participants will learn how to measure their program successes and will discuss best practices for program success.

Lyn Haralson, Senior Policy and Innovation Analyst, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Leslie Jones, Youth Financial Education Analyst, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Tuesday, July 20
3:25 pm - 4:40 pm

Supporting Out-of-School Time Through the ARP Act Child Care Stabilization and Supplemental Funds

In recognition of the crucial role childcare and out-of-school time programming plays in supporting children, families, businesses, and the economy as a whole, The American Rescue Plan Act includes funding through the Office of Child Care for states, territories, and Tribes to stabilize the childcare market and expand access to quality childcare for all families. In this session, participants will explore how Stabilization Grants and Supplemental Discretionary Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) Funds can be used to support Out-of-School Time.

Siobhan Bredin, Director of Training and Technical Assistance, National Center on Afterschool and Summer Enrichment

Megan Campbell, Child Care Program Specialist, Office of Child Care, Administration for Children and Families, US Dept of Health and Human Services

Tricia Haley

Tony Streit, Principal Investigator, National Center on Afterschool & Summer Enrichment (NCASE)

Thursday, July 22
11:30 am - 12:45 pm

The Power of SEL on Students Mental Wellness

At a time when schools are closed, students have limited access to peers, teachers and virtual learning is now a new norm, it is important to be aware of the impact of COVID19 on students socially and emotionally. Research has shown that in order for students to reach their full potential in school and in life, socio-emotional learning is a critical component to the students’ educational experience. During our current crisis where students are struggling, the focus on SEL has become more critical. Students who struggle to manage emotions, are unable to work well with others, or are unable to act responsibly and respectfully, have difficulty focusing on learning and building healthy relationship necessary for success in school and life. My role is to provide the link between academic achievement and socio-emotional learning. The workshop will incorporate interactive group activities and lively discussions and will be facilitated using a PowerPoint presentation. Discussion Points: Overview of SEL definition, SEL competencies and relevance to student mental health. The workshop discussion will include the effects of COVID19 on students’ mental health.

Paula Carroll, Case Manager, UPO Youth Service Division

De Angelo Rorie, Youth Services Director, United Planning Organization

Thursday, July 22
11:30 am - 12:45 pm

The State of Summer Learning

After 2020, summer will never look the same again. Join the discussion to analyze what happened and consider designs for summer going forward.

Brodrick Clarke, Director of Technical Training, National Summer Learning Association

Andrew Maxey, Director of Strategic Initiatives, Tuscaloosa City Schools

Jennifer McCombs, Director, Behavioral and Policy Sciences Department, RAND

Cory Radisch, Continuous Improvement Specialist, NJ Department of Education

Tuesday, July 20
12:30 pm - 1:45 pm

You Need to Take Care of YOU! - You Can’t Give from Empty

Practicing self-care can help navigate the ups and downs of life. Come share in activities and practices that can help to reduce stress and enhance overall well-being: essentially, by proactively taking care of yourself. Learn practices and behaviors that help you feel refreshed, re-energized, and rested.

Gale Gorke, Executive Director, Kids Kan Inc

Career Pathways

Session times are in EDT timezone

Career Pathways

Thursday, July 22
1:05 pm - 2:20 pm

A Conversation with 21stCCLC Students and Facilitators Implementing NASA Design Challenges

Join students, facilitators and NASA's Engineers and Scientists to discuss the students work on the NASA Engineering Design Challenges during the 2020-2021 school year.

Maria Arredondo, Education Programs Specialist, NASA Office of STEM Engagement

Laura Bonner-Ridgway, WI Site

Mildred Brown, NC Site, Southpoint Academy 21st CCLC Site in Durham

Olivia Colunga, TX Site, Harwell Middle School

Carlos Cruz-Arce, Postbac Science Researcher, NASA GSFC

Dawn Fitzhugh, 21st CCLC Program Specialist, AZ SEA

Kirt Gordon, AZ Site Coordinator

Angela Hannon, STEM Teacher, Cambridge City Schools-Cambridge Middle School

Robert LaSalvia, Strategic Partnership Manager, NASA

Mary Lobo, NASA Glenn Research Center

Eileene Moss, VA Site

Crystal Newton, OK site teacher, Mission elementary

Eddie Robinson, Teacher, Southpoint Academy

Connie Thompson, OK Site Coordinator, Mission Elementary

Tuesday, July 20
12:30 pm - 1:45 pm

A Powerful Combination: Workforce Readiness and Social and Emotional Learning

Learn how Wisconsin is integrating workforce readiness and social and emotional learning (SEL) in classrooms, workplaces, and out-of-school time (OST), and gain access to stakeholders’ exemplar, high-leverage practices.

Andrea Donegan, Education Consultant, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction

Teri LeSage, Education Consultant, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction

Karin Smith, Education Consultant, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction

Wednesday, July 21
2:05 pm - 3:20 pm

Advancing College and Career Readiness in Out-of-School-Time

Better prepare your students for college and careers with a new free toolkit from the Maryland Out of School Time Network. During this workshop we will practice easy to implement how-to guides and activities as well as share strategies for collecting data and evaluating the impact of your program on social emotional skill development and college/career readiness.

Ellie Mitchell, Director, Maryland Out of School Time Network

Sally Munemitsu, Co-Founder & Chief Operating Officer, Hello Insight

Wednesday, July 21
11:15 am - 12:30 pm

Building ‘Employability Skills’ One Small Piece At a Time

“Building ‘Employability Skills’ One Small Piece At a Time” reveals the ways instructors can add career building elements into their lesson plans. The Carthage Afterschool Enrichment Program practices this process in order to create a purposeful impact on the minds of students younger than the high school age.

Ruby Murrani, After School Program Assistant, Watertown YMCA & Carthage Central School District

Devan Robinson, After School Program Coordinator and Grant Data Assistant, Carthage Central School District & Watertown YMCA

Wednesday, July 21
2:05 pm - 3:20 pm

Connecting Trauma Informed Care to STEM Career Exploration

How can we prioritize healing and student wellbeing while also covering curricular content? Can we prepare students for a world demanding higher competencies in STEM while also facilitating reconnection and recover from more than a year of surviving a global pandemic? Sunrise offers a framework for doing just that in a trauma informed and developmentally appropriate way. [Some prior knowledge of concepts of trauma recommended for participants].

Marina Fradera, Trauma and Curriculum Specialist, Sunrise of Philadelphia, Inc

Sunni Harris, Site Support Coordinator, Sunrise of Philadelphia, Inc

Wednesday, July 21
2:05 pm - 3:20 pm

CyberPatriot - The National Youth Cyber Education Program

CyberPatriot is the National Youth Cyber Education program which was created to inspire students toward careers in cybersecurity and other STEM field. The briefing will cover how the National Youth Cyber Defense Competition and other CyberPatriot programs work and how 21st CCLC locations can utilize the CyberPatriot programs.

Rachel Zimmerman, Senior Director of CyberPatriot Business Operations, Air Force Association - CyberPatriot

Thursday, July 22
1:05 pm - 2:25 pm

Esports for Career Exploration and Skill-Building

Learn how the North American Scholastic Esports Federation has used esports as a platform for STEAM learning. We will show an overview of a free club system that includes curriculum, learning toolkits, plus hands-on guidance and extended learning programs that create opportunities to connect youth’s passion for gaming with meaningful learning.

Jorrel Batac, Esports Scholastic Instructional and Coach / Director, Scholastic Fellow Program, NASEF/OCDE

Kevin Brown, Esports Program Specialist, NASEF

Tuesday, July 20
12:30 pm - 1:45 pm

Qualities of Effective STEM Programming in the Afterschool Environment

Looking for enriching content for your afterschool program? Explore how even in a remote learning environment, high quality STEM programming can prepare students for careers through hands-on project-based learning. This session will review how to identify effective STEM programs for the afterschool setting using FIRST as a case example.

Nancy Boyer, Director of Evaluation, and Impact, FIRST

Elizabeth Simpson, Director of Education, FIRST

Thursday, July 22
11:30 am - 12:45 pm

Small Businesses as Career Exploration Partners

Bridge the divide between education and business! In this session, we will explore how community small businesses can be engaged in any program and utilized to develop students' future employability and career skills. Based on Helix's Business Partnership Programming, attendees can anticipate leaving with immediate ideas on how to engage community members and businesses to increase student success!

Caitlin Botsios, Co-Founder and Director of Education, Helix Chicago

Wednesday, July 21
11:15 am - 12:30 pm

Teaching 21st Century Skills via Physical Activity Aligned with Academics and SEL

Expanded learning programs play a critical role in teaching today's youth 21st-century skills. Join us to learn more than thirty ways to align academics and social emotional-learning with physical activity for K-8 students and foster active learning in afterschool programs.

Stacy Baugues, Founder and CEO, PowerUp Your School

Engaging Families and Partners in 21st CCLC Programs

Session times are in EDT timezone

Engaging Families and Partners in 21st CCLC Programs

Thursday, July 22
1:05 pm - 2:25 pm

#AfterschoolWorks: Crafting a Winning Afterschool Message

Do you feel that your words don’t have the impact they should when talking about afterschool? This interactive workshop will discuss what works and what doesn’t when communicating about afterschool, how to tailor your message for key audiences, and how to leverage this information and build support for your program.

Bella DiMarco, Project Associate, Afterschool Alliance

Tiyana Glenn, Project Associate, Afterschool Alliance

Thursday, July 22
11:30 am - 12:45 pm

"It's All About People": Relationship Skills and the Foundation of Successful Partnership

This session will focus on an analysis of the human relationship dynamics that were the foundation of successful partnerships brokered between the Anchorage School District (ASD) 21st Century Program and two 3rd-party organizations: LEGO Education (2018) and AVID Center (2020).

Marcy Richards, Program Manager, 21st Century Program, Anchorage School District

Ty Stevenson, Product Manager, AVID Center

Tuesday, July 20
3:25 pm - 4:40 pm

Building a Pipeline of Community Partners

In this workshop, we explore how programs can create a pipeline of strong community partners and what they can do to maintain strong relationships, how programs use social media to attract and highlight their partners, and what unique community partners can bring to your program.

Ben Hinkle-Wzsalek, Director of Operations, Cayen Systems

Phillip Smith, Afterschool Brand Manager, Cayen Systems

Thursday, July 22
1:05 pm - 2:25 pm

Empowering Families and Communities Through Environmental Stewardship

The NASA GLOBE program engages families, educators, students, scientists and community partners in making a difference within their own communities. In this session, participants will learn how they can use NASA GLOBE resources during out-of-school time to guide students through a variety of environmental studies.

Tina Harte, Informal GLOBE, NASA Langley Research Center

Tuesday, July 20
12:30 pm - 1:45 pm

Inclusive, Responsive, and Reciprocal Caregiver Engagement

Boys & Girls Clubs (BGCs) understand that caregiver engagement is a critical component of positive youth development. In this session you will be introduced to the foundational principles of inclusive, responsive, and reciprocal caregiver engagement; learn how these principles are being applied at BGCs; and assess opportunities to grow and strengthen this work in your own program.

Rei Latri, Wattles Club Director, Boys & Girls Clubs of Portland Metro Area

Lesa Sexton, Director of Youth Development, Boys & Girls Clubs of America

Christina Baker Smith, Chief Administrative Officer, Boys & Girls Clubs of Dumplin Valley

Wednesday, July 21
2:05 pm - 3:20 pm

Innovations in Impact: Building Intentional Supports for 21CCLC Staff

Join the Indiana 21st CCLC team to learn about the vision behind and success of the state’s first-ever 21CCLC Communications and Engagement Cohort; a deep and reflective space for providers to creatively re-envision their challenges and assets. And, how you too could implement such a model within your program.

Sara Beanblossom, Director of Communications and Advocacy, Indiana Afterschool Network

Erin Busk, 21st CCLC Grant Specialist, Indiana Department of Education

Lauren Day, Principal Partner, CityStrategies LLC

Wednesday, July 21
11:15 am - 12:30 pm

Innovative Staffing Models for Out of School Time

Join us to learn about innovative and flexible partnerships that can enhance recruiting, training and supporting staff members who can provide high-quality learning experiences for all learners.

Nate Bowman, Area Director, Boys & Girls Clubs of the Valley

Patti Curtis, Robert Noyce/Ellen Lettvin STEM Education Fellow, U.S. Department of Education

Yanet Lopez

Melissa Moritz, Summer and Afterschool Fellow, U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Educational Sciences

Jessica Newman

Sonali Nijhawan, Director of AmeriCorps State and National, AmeriCorps

Andia Pebdani

Tim Sears

Katelyn Wamsted

Wednesday, July 21
11:15 am - 12:30 pm

Power of Partnership

Join us as we explore ways to leverage human capital and align your organization with companies and individuals to support the goals of your program.

Contobia Adams, Grant Project Administrator, Osceola County School District

Lasheena Williams, Principal, Bright Works Solution, LLC.

Tuesday, July 20
3:25 pm - 4:40 pm

Recipe for Success - Engaging Families Virtually with Nutrition and Cooking Education

Common Threads is a national nonprofit that provides families cooking and nutrition education. Due to COVID-19, we adapted our programs to be implemented virtually to engage families at home. We will showcase our adapted implementation procedures and content enhancements necessary to effectively engage families with healthy cooking virtually.

Kristin Mize, Education and Training Manager, Common Threads

Ashley Roth, Partnership Engagement Manager & Registered Dietitian, Common Threads

Tuesday, July 20
12:30 pm - 1:45 pm

Relationship Building for Efficacy and Sustainability

Ensure critical partners are aware of the impact of your work. This “partner” presentation to the Afterschool Alliance’s crafting a message session will help programs think through how to deliver their message to and build relationships with key constituencies such as education leaders, the media, local governments, business and philanthropy partners and others.

Janelle Cousino, Senior Advisor, Afterschool Alliance

Tom Haggard, Director, Kentucky Out-of-School Alliance

Zelda Waymer, President and CEO, South Carolina Afterschool Alliance

Thursday, July 22
1:05 pm - 2:20 pm

Resources for Faith and Community-Based Sub-Grantees

Participants will hear testimonials from their peers, see available resources firsthand, and share one "take-away" from the session or conference.

Angel Rush, Senior Advisor, U.S. Department of Education, Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships

Wednesday, July 21
11:15 am - 12:30 pm

Supporting 21st CCLC Families Through an Integrative Approach

This session is designed to offer strategies to 21st CCLC programs on how to embed an integrative approach to family engagement. Participants will be introduced to a whole family approach to service delivery & how to create a program model that connects families to resources and services all in an effort to remove barriers and support learning.

Joanne Bohl, SITE MANAGER, Wayne Metro Community Action Agency

Wednesday, July 21
11:15 am - 12:30 pm

Supporting 21st CCLC Families Through an Integrative Approach

This session is designed to offer strategies to 21st CCLC programs on how to embed an integrative approach to family engagement. Participants will be introduced to a whole family approach to service delivery & how to create a program model that connects families to resources and services all in an effort to remove barriers and support learning.

Carla Chinavare, Director of Youth and Family Services, Wayne Metropolitan Community Action Agency

Wednesday, July 21
11:15 am - 12:30 pm

Supporting 21st CCLC Families Through an Integrative Approach

This session is designed to offer strategies to 21st CCLC programs on how to embed an integrative approach to family engagement. Participants will be introduced to a whole family approach to service delivery & how to create a program model that connects families to resources and services all in an effort to remove barriers and support learning.

Hannah Wonfor, Youth & Family Engagement Specialist, Wayne Metro Community Action Agency

Wednesday, July 21
11:15 am - 12:30 pm

The Impact of Quality on Summer Program Participation and Retention

Carefully planned, high quality summer programs increase access to summer meal programs, encourage participation and retention, providing youth with life changing experiences. In this session, participants will hear about exemplars connecting meals and quality, and learn practical ways to implement assessment measures, using an NSLA’s interactive program planning guide.

Brodrick Clarke, Director of Technical Training, National Summer Learning Association

Tuesday, July 20
3:25 pm - 4:40 pm

To Infinity and Beyond: Maximizing Family and Community Partnerships

Prioritizing relationships with partnerships is one of the most important details when coordinating your programs. Partnerships add valuable experiences that meet a wide variety of student and family needs to produce astonishing results! This workshop explores how to maximize impact across six strategic partnership sectors every program needs to engage.

Jasmine Castleberry, Project Director, Harris County Department of Education

Audrey Jefferson, Family Engagement Specialist, Harris County Department of Education

Monique Smith, Family Engagement Specialist, Harris County Department of Education

Thursday, July 22
1:05 pm - 2:20 pm

Vaccines! How Can You Use Science Education to Help Your Communities Make Decisions About Vaccines?

Participants will experience “Vaccines!”, a community research guide developed by the Smithsonian that features hands-on science lessons to help young students learn about vaccines throughout history; investigate how vaccines work and are developed; examine issues of equity and misinformation; and develop a plan for addressing vaccine concerns in their communities.

Carol O'Donnell, Executive Director, Smithsonian Science Education Center, Smithsonian Institution

Government Performance and Results Act for 21st CCLC

Session times are in EDT timezone

Government Performance and Results Act for 21st CCLC

Thursday, July 22
11:30 am - 12:45 pm

Welcome to the New GPRA

The new GPRA are here! Join the Tactile 21APR team for an overview of the new GPRA and how 21APR is adapting. Learn the who, what, when, and why of the new GPRA.

Deaglan Daugherty, Project Director, The Tactile Group

Debora Ortloff, Subject Matter Expert, The Tactile Group

Thursday, July 22
1:05 pm - 2:20 pm

Welcome to the new GPRA (Repeat)

The new GPRA are here! Join the Tactile 21APR team for an overview of the new GPRA and how 21APR is adapting. Learn the who, what, when, and why of the new GPRA.

Deaglan Daugherty, Project Director, The Tactile Group

Debora Ortloff, Subject Matter Expert, The Tactile Group

Learning Recovery Through 21st CCLC

Session times are in EDT timezone

Learning Recovery Through 21st CCLC

Wednesday, July 21
2:05 pm - 3:20 pm

Connecting the Dots: A Data-Driven Learning Recovery Framework for 21st CCLC Programs

The academic, social, and emotional setbacks emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic have underscored the need for data-driven decision-making that supports learning recovery for 21st CCLC program participants. Many of the commonly used data sources are unavailable or insufficient to monitor program quality and ensure effectiveness.

Jenn Conner, Director, Center for Afterschool and Expanded Learning, Foundations, Inc.

Andrew Francis, Education Specialist, Foundations Inc.

Wednesday, July 21
11:15 am - 12:30 pm

Creating High-Quality Virtual Learning Experiences: Lessons from the Field

In this interactive session, attendees will learn the latest research on the challenges the pandemic presents to learning, understand what defines quality virtual learning, learn to restructure existing frameworks to implement quality virtual learning and promising practices, and receive access to resources for educators, students, and parents to use.

Nicole "K4" Kfoury, Manager of Networks and Partnerships, Partnerships in Education and Resilience (PEAR)

Cheyenne Paris, Partnerships in Education and Resilience (PEAR)

Jamaal Williams, Assistant Director of Training, Partnerships in Education and Resilience (PEAR)

Tuesday, July 20
3:25 pm - 4:40 pm

Creating Math Champions

Math ability is the single strongest indicator of students' future academic and financial success. It is crucial for us to champion math. All students can succeed in math if we reduce the stress and anxiety around mathematics. It can be done, games can help. Learn fun ways to promote math.

Mary Curry, Math Enthusiast, MANGO Math Group

Wednesday, July 21
2:05 pm - 3:20 pm

Intentionally Designing Staff Development for Intentional Design

Examine how a rural community-based program worked to improve quality and increase staff skills by spending the last year of professional development explicitly centered around Intentional Design. Access strategies used, learn about outcomes — including increased engagement in learning — and discover future plans that you can apply to your own program.

Laura Laabs, Grants Director, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Wyoming

Thursday, July 22
1:05 pm - 2:25 pm

Local Documentation Best Practices and New Service Models for Learning Recovery

Afterschool educators have pivoted services to “learning at a distance.” Now is the time to document what’s working. Session participants will learn a method for documenting Best Practices and New Service Models fit to local needs using the Guidance for Out-of-school Time Learning at the Distance (GOLD).

Tari Jones, Program Director, YouthQuest Afterschool Initiative

Lucy Smith, Research Consultant and Communications Lead, QTurn LLC

Charles Smith, Managing Consultant, QTurn

Lorraine Thoreson, Manager of Michigan 21 CCLC, Michigan 21 CCLC, Michigan Dept of Ed

James Yake, Genesee Intermediate School District

Wednesday, July 21
11:15 am - 12:30 pm

NBA Math Hoops: Creating the Next Math Champion

NBA Math Hoops leverages the game of basketball and the NBA/WNBA to engage students with math and social-emotional learning skills through a digital board game, curriculum, mobile app, and community program. All resources for the program are completely free of cost for educators.

Vannessa Moreno, National Program Coordinator, Learn Fresh Education Company

Rebecca Wong, Director of Programs, Learn Fresh Education Company

Thursday, July 22
11:30 am - 12:45 pm

OST Data: Monitoring Students’ Progress

The intentional design and monitoring of an activity's impact are foundational to learning recovery efforts and the overall success. In tandem with these activities, programs must design measurement systems consisting of assessments and monitoring tools. This presentation will explore a process through which programs can implement such a process.

Jenn Conner, Director, Center for Afterschool and Expanded Learning, Foundations, Inc.

Andrew Francis, Education Specialist, Foundations Inc.

Thursday, July 22
11:30 am - 12:45 pm

Recruitment and Retention as Tools to Launch Students to the Next Level

With significant learning recovery necessary, it is important to bring together the right staff and students to maximize out of school time. You will develop a recruitment strategy for students and professionals during this session for your site, along with becoming familiar with a bank of high-impact teaching strategies.

Lori Goslar, School Principal, Avondale ESD #44

Carly Schoettes, 21st Century Site Coordinator, Avondale ESD #44

No recording available


Wednesday, July 21
11:15 am - 12:30 pm

STEM Learning in Afterschool - A Key Piece of Learning Recovery

Hands-on STEM learning will be a key component of learning recovery efforts as educators reengage students and rethink how learning happens in and out-of-school. This workshop will highlight how innovative afterschool programs are supporting students and providing the experiential STEM opportunities students need to support to thrive in school.

Ayana Melvan, Senior Director of Strategic Partnerships, Mission Programs, Mystic Aquarium

Chris Neitzey, Director of STEM Initiatives, Afterschool Alliance

Meeta Sharma-Holt, Vice President, Growth and Strategic Partnerships, Techbridge Girls

Thursday, July 22
11:30 am - 12:45 pm

Supporting Emergent Readers

Supporting emergent readers is critical to building a foundation in becoming a successful reader. During this interactive session, participants will take part in engaging activities and games that build up emergent readers. Strategies for progress monitoring and differentiation will be included to specifically target learning recovery in emergent readers.

Chapple Osborne-Arnold, Deputy Director, Save the Children

Jenna Wedgworth, Program Specialist, Save the Children

Tuesday, July 20
3:25 pm - 4:40 pm

The Great Digital Outdoors: How Community Science Can Engage Youth in the Outdoors–Even While Inside

Anyone can lead digital STEM and environmental learning experiences that are authentic, meaningful, and fun. Science Action Club empowers educators of all experience levels to help youth contribute to global citizen science projects. Come learn about citizen science and how to use it to bridge the widening STEM gap.

Rachael Van Schoik, Science Action Club Manager, California Academy of Sciences

Tuesday, July 20
12:30 pm - 1:45 pm

There is Power in the Pivot: Combatting COVID Slide through High Quality Virtual Programming

When the pandemic shut down schools across the United States, how did your 21st CCLC program adapt? Were you barely surviving or able to thrive? In this interactive workshop, participants will learn how several 21st CCLC programs in NJ used high quality virtual programming to thrive, despite the challenges exacerbated by COVID-19.

Tyneisha Gibbs, Director of Expanded Learning Opportunities, NJSACC: The Statewide Network for NJ's Afterschool Communities

Tuesday, July 20
12:30 pm - 1:45 pm

Using Technology and Data to Enhance Student Learning and Engagement

Innovative and creative teachers use tools to truly engage their students. K-5 Before and After School Tutoring and K-12 Summer School are the areas of focus. We must keep students interested in learning - so much incredible technology is at our fingertips. Discover strategies, ideas, websites, best practices, and use data to target students' needs and make the growth students need.

Heathre Palige, Director and Site Coordinator for 21st Community Learning Center, Pinnacle Charter School

Thursday, July 22
1:05 pm - 2:25 pm

Virtually Changing Education

College Admissions Made Possible Virtual Institute is a holistic, online after school program aimed at supporting students in both academic and social and emotional learning development.

Briana Morton, Executive Director, College Admissions Made Possible

Plenary Session

Session times are in EDT timezone

Plenary Session

Tuesday, July 20
2:05 pm - 3:05 pm

21st CCLC STEM Agency Partnerships

Join us as we learn from our STEM Agency partners – National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, (NOAA), National Aeronautic and Aerospace Administration (NASA), the Institute of Museum & Library Services (IMLS) & the National Park Service (NPS) and their education and engagement partners – about the work they have been doing to provide top-notch STEM professional development and student engagement opportunities at 21st CCLC site across the nation. Learn how your students can benefits from the resources developed and available to you today.

Maria Arredondo, Education Programs Specialist, NASA Office of STEM Engagement

Patti Curtis, Robert Noyce/Ellen Lettvin STEM Education Fellow, U.S. Department of Education

Danny Kirk, Manager of Maker Space Programs, New York Hall of Science (NYSCI)

Robert LaSalvia, Strategic Partnership Manager, NASA

Bronwen Rice, Education Program Coordinator, NOAA

Robert Sendrey, Program Director, Environmental Education, National Environmental Education Foundation

Tuesday, July 20
4:40 pm - 5:00 pm

Day 1 Wrap-up

Miriam Lund, 21st CCLC Group Lead, U.S. Department of Education

Wednesday, July 21
3:45 pm - 4:45 pm

Meeting the Challenge Facing our Youth- THIS IS NOT A DRILL!

Geoffrey Canada, President, Harlem Children’s Zone

Keely Weber, Education Program Specialist, U.S. Department of Education

Thursday, July 22
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Now More Than Ever: Family Engagement is Essential for Student and School Success

The purpose of this presentation is to share what we know, given the extensive research on family engagement, about the powerful impact of effective family–school partnerships on students, parents, teachers, and schools. Dr. Mapp will discuss what we have learned over the past fourteen months because of the Covid 19 crisis and the national racial reckoning about the critical role of home-school partnerships to build bridges across stakeholder groups and support student success and school improvement. Dr. Mapp will summarize the research and articulate the essential conditions, identified in the 2019 Dual Capacity-Building Framework for Family-School Partnerships (Version 2), that are necessary to cultivate and sustain effective family engagement practice.

Miriam Lund, 21st CCLC Group Lead, U.S. Department of Education

Karen Mapp, Senior Lecturer on Education - Program Director - Education, Policy and Management Master's Program, Harvard Graduate School of Education

Keely Weber, Education Program Specialist, U.S. Department of Education

Tuesday, July 20
11:00 am - 12:10 pm

Opening Session - Culturally Relevant Making Inside and Outside of the Classroom

Dr. Gaskins' research and practice draws on real-world examples to create dynamic learning environments where underrepresented students feel that they belong. Students who remix computationally, for instance, have larger toolkits of computational skills with which to connect cultural practices to STEAM subjects; reappropriation offers a way to navigate cultural repertoires; improvisation is firmly rooted in cultural and creative practices. Gaskins explores an equity-oriented approach that makes a distinction between conventional or dominant pedagogical approaches and culturally relevant or responsive making strategies and methods.

Nettrice Gaskins, Assistant Director, Lesley STEAM Learning Lab at Lesley University

Miriam Lund, 21st CCLC Group Lead, U.S. Department of Education

Wednesday, July 21
12:50 pm - 1:50 pm

Street Data: A Next-Generation Model for Equity, Pedagogy, and School Transformation

Street data is the qualitative and experiential data that emerges at eye level and on lower frequencies when we train our brains to discern it. Street data is asset based, building on culturally responsive education by focusing on what’s right in our students, schools, and communities instead of seeking out what’s wrong. Street data embodies an ethos and a change methodology that will transform how we analyze, diagnose, and assess everything from student learning to district improvement to policy. Shane Safir and Dr. Jamila Dugan will lay out their transformational model, which will help you shift your focus from satellite-level data (test scores and other metrics) to real-time, on-the-ground stories, experiences, and artifacts. The time is now to reimagine our ways of being, leading, and knowing.

Jamila Dugan, Leadership Coach, JD Learning Partners

Shane Safir, Owner & Principal, Safir & Associates LLC

Keely Weber, Education Program Specialist, U.S. Department of Education

Thursday, July 22
11:00 am - 11:30 am

U.S. Department of Education Updates

Erica Johnson, Federal Project Officer, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education

Miriam Lund, 21st CCLC Group Lead, U.S. Department of Education

Wednesday, July 21
11:00 am - 11:15 am

Welcome and Housekeeping

Miriam Lund, 21st CCLC Group Lead, U.S. Department of Education

Ruth Ryder, Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office of Policy and Programs - Formula Grants, U.S. Department of Education

Thursday, July 22
2:45 pm - 3:45 pm

You Are Here: Check-In With Program Partners and Youth

Out-of-school time partners—and youth—reflect on where we are and “what’s next.” Participants include 21st CCLC youth, 21st CCLC State Education Agency Coordinators, the Statewide Afterschool Network, the C.S. Mott Foundation, the Afterschool Alliance, The National AfterSchool Association and Foundations, Inc.

Paula Adams, Executive Director, Hawaii Afterschool Alliance

Marissa Akui, Community Engagement Director, Hawaii State Department of Education

Shawanda Beale, Assistant Director, New Jersey Department of Education

Andrew Francis, Education Specialist, Foundations Inc.

Tiyana Glenn, Project Associate, Afterschool Alliance

Ebony Grace, Chief Operating Officer, NJSACCC

Jodi Grant, Executive Director, Afterschool Alliance

Gwynn Hughes, Senior Program Officer, Charles Stewart Mott Foundation

Rhonda Lauer, President and CEO, Foundations, Inc.

Miriam Lund, 21st CCLC Group Lead, U.S. Department of Education

Kamille Sheikh, Education Specialist, Utah State Board of Education

Ben Trentelman, Director of Operations, Utah Afterschool Network

Gina Warner, President and CEO, National AfterSchool Association

Keely Weber, Education Program Specialist, U.S. Department of Education

The Fundamentals of Flexibility - The Wide World of Creative Thinking

Session times are in EDT timezone

The Fundamentals of Flexibility - The Wide World of Creative Thinking

Tuesday, July 20
12:30 pm - 1:45 pm

Drones In The Arts: Technological Tools For Creative Expression

Putting the “Art” squarely in the center of science, technology, engineering and math, drones are a revolutionary STEAM tool for creative artistic expression. Join our session to learn how drones are being used to fulfill artistic vision and how you can engage your students’ creative sides with these revolutionary tools.

Tyler Downey, Training Coordinator and STEAM Specialist, PCS Edventures!, Inc.

No recording available


Tuesday, July 20
3:25 pm - 4:40 pm

Full STEAM Ahead - Developing Interactive, Hands-On, Standards-Based Curriculum for OST Programs

Hop on the STEAM train! Learn how to create thematic curriculum that is based on education standards, fosters creativity and problem solving, is easy to implement, and engages your entire community.

Lynne Jones, Action Arts and Science Program Coordinator, Washington Pavilion

Thursday, July 22
11:30 am - 12:45 pm

Health and Wellness with Y4Y

What do you think of when you hear “health and wellness?” Every person has their own definition and how it applies to their own life. In this session, we’ll help you develop your own sense of health and wellness along with an awareness of its place in out-of-school time programs. Supporting health and wellness is crucial for students’ academic and personal wellbeing, but there often isn’t enough time to focus on these concepts during the school day. We’ll talk about how out-of-school time initiatives can supplement school-day offerings to promote student, staff and community wellbeing. We’ll also address how you can leverage school day partnerships to create meaningful, standards-aligned health and wellness programming.

Yana List, Education Specialist, You for Youth

David McConnell, Lead Training Specialist, You for Youth

Thursday, July 22
11:30 am - 12:45 pm

Igniting Your Social Emotional Leadership

SEL skill-building for our youth is more important than ever... but what about for ourselves? The pandemic has taken a toll on everyone, and as leaders we must tend to our own social emotional well-being, and understand how our Emotional Intelligence impacts our leadership. This session will show you how.

Greg Shamie, Director of Staff Development, The Leadership Program

Thursday, July 22
1:05 pm - 2:25 pm

Imagine Science Biomedical Engineering Web-Resource

The Biomedical Engineering Web-Camp focuses on facilitating activities for grades 4th-8th in order to increase their understanding and interest in STEM. Join this session as we learn how to engage youth virtually and in-person using this cool curriculum and tool.

Mirissa Scholting, Extension Assistant, Nebraska Extension/4-H

Tiffany Sessions, Extension Educator, Nebraska Extension/4-H

Wednesday, July 21
2:05 pm - 3:20 pm

NASA Design Challenge: Get Creative with Sound

Participants in this session will learn how to access NASA’s Next Gen STEM activities and will explore the science of sound through two hands-on activities using inexpensive household items. All activities are NASA mission focused and aligned to national STEM standards.

Jennifer Hudgins, Education Specialist, NASA Office of STEM Engagement

Wednesday, July 21
2:05 pm - 3:20 pm

Recharge, Renew and Re-imagine Learning with Mizzen by Mott

As we prepare for students to return to the classroom, how do we ready ourselves to reconnect with young people and re-imagine afterschool time with them? Join Mizzen by Mott for a conversation with leaders in the field and Mizzen’s content specialist about the value of quality program content for your students’ success. Mizzen by Mott offers high-quality content, Pro Tips and program tools to the afterschool field. Through support from the Mott Foundation, the app is free to afterschool professionals who are empowering young people everywhere.

Willie Buford, Site Manager, Youth Quest

Maggie Burke, Associate, Collaborative Communications Group

Katie Curnow, User Acquisition and Engagement Lead, Mizzen by Mott

Guillermo Escobar, Operations Manager, Orlando After-School All-Stars

Sarah Mellon, Partnership and Content Specialist, Mizzen by Mott

Gerardo Mungaray, Regional Manager, EduCare Foundation

Kari Pardoe, Program Officer, The Charles Stewart Mott Foundation

Laurie Posner, Communications Officer - Education, The Charles Stewart Mott Foundation

Thursday, July 22
1:05 pm - 2:20 pm

SEA Coordinators: You for Youth (Y4Y) Needs Your Input!

The Y4Y team wants to hear what you need to provide a high-quality program to your subgrantees and the children and youth they serve. This session is open to all 21st CCLC SEA staff. Don't miss this opportunity to network with your colleagues from across the country and discuss how we can improve Y4Y services and resources.

Sean Grobe, Project Director, You for Youth

Sherri Lauver, Lead Content Specialist, You for Youth

No recording available

Thursday, July 22
11:30 am - 12:45 pm

STEAM by Design

We live in a designed world. From nature to the built environment, everything is designed. STEAM by DESIGN connects transdisciplinary activities across nine connected scales- nano, pattern, object, space, architecture, neighborhood, urban, region, and the world, transforming discreet subject introduction into student-led inquiry-based creativity, activating citizenship and introducing careers.

Linda Keane, Professor of Architecture and Environmental Design, School of the Art Institute of Chicago

Tuesday, July 20
3:25 pm - 4:40 pm

STEAM Integration in Afterschool

Join us in this exciting hands-on workshop and learn how to integrate STEAM with project-based learning in your afterschool program. Bring your problem-solving skills as we construct several STEAM activities and learn how to create a blended learning environment.

William Albert, CEO & Founder, STEMfinity

Jason Lindsey, Mr. Science, Hooked on Science

Tuesday, July 20
12:30 pm - 1:45 pm


LA STEAM Athletics has developed a fun and innovative way of exposing students to the various aspects of STEAM by leaning on what they love, athletics and sports.

Eric Lewis, Director, LA STEAM Athletics

Thursday, July 22
1:05 pm - 2:25 pm

The Art and Science of Mars: Explore with NASA!

Artists and scientists alike observe the world around them – and worlds beyond. Ride along with NASA’s exploration of Mars – with Perseverance rover and Ingenuity helicopter! Fun, free, hands-on “Mission to Mars Student Challenge” enrichment activities blend creativity and science in understanding amazing images of Mars and their relation to our Earth.

Leslie Lowes, Informal STEM Education Specialist, NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Ota Lutz, Lead, Elementary and Secondary Education Group, NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Wednesday, July 21
11:15 am - 12:30 pm

The Power of a Question: Tips for Cultivating Creativity and Curiosity

Providing quality STEAM learning is bigger than simply presenting hands-on activities. The goal is to create an environment where youth engage in creative and critical thinking. One must become familiar and comfortable with asking effective open-ended questions. Through intentional questioning, you can stretch young people’s curiosity, reasoning ability, and creativity.

Chaz Pounder, Out-of-School Time Specialist, Utah Afterschool Network

Tuesday, July 20
3:25 pm - 4:40 pm

Using a Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience to Create a Learner-Centered Afterschool Program

Meaningful Watershed Educational Experiences (MWEEs) are learner-centered programs focused on local environmental issues that guide students to informed action and civic engagement. Participants will learn about the MWEE and how this approach can support student creativity and innovative problem solving in the context of environmental literacy and STEM.

Wendy Kedzierski, Project Director, Creek Connections at Allegheny College

Bronwen Rice, Education Program Coordinator, NOAA

Elise Trelegan, Chesapeake B-WET Program Coordinator, Earth Resources Technology/NOAA

Tuesday, July 20

Session times are in EDT timezone
11:00 am - 12:10 pm

Concurrent Breakout Sessions

11:00 am - 12:10 pm

Plenary Session

Opening Session - Culturally Relevant Making Inside and Outside of the Classroom

Dr. Gaskins' research and practice draws on real-world examples to create dynamic learning environments where underrepresented students feel that they belong. Students who remix computationally, for instance, have larger toolkits of computational skills with which to connect cultural practices to STEAM subjects; reappropriation offers a way to navigate cultural repertoires; improvisation is firmly rooted in cultural and creative practices. Gaskins explores an equity-oriented approach that makes a distinction between conventional or dominant pedagogical approaches and culturally relevant or responsive making strategies and methods.

Nettrice Gaskins, Assistant Director, Lesley STEAM Learning Lab at Lesley University

Miriam Lund, 21st CCLC Group Lead, U.S. Department of Education

12:30 pm - 1:45 pm

Concurrent Breakout Sessions

12:30 pm - 1:45 pm

Career Pathways

A Powerful Combination: Workforce Readiness and Social and Emotional Learning

Learn how Wisconsin is integrating workforce readiness and social and emotional learning (SEL) in classrooms, workplaces, and out-of-school time (OST), and gain access to stakeholders’ exemplar, high-leverage practices.

Andrea Donegan, Education Consultant, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction

Teri LeSage, Education Consultant, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction

Karin Smith, Education Consultant, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction

12:30 pm - 1:45 pm

Building Equity and Unity

Consulting and Coordinating with Other State Agencies

Learn how Minnesota's WSCC interagency group meets quarterly to align the common goals of the State of Minnesota agencies to put into action a whole child approach to youth program implementation.

Eric Billiet, Expanded Learning Specialist, Minnesota Department of Education

Terri Swartout, School Health Coordinator, Minnesota Department of Education

12:30 pm - 1:45 pm

The Fundamentals of Flexibility - The Wide World of Creative Thinking

Drones In The Arts: Technological Tools For Creative Expression

Putting the “Art” squarely in the center of science, technology, engineering and math, drones are a revolutionary STEAM tool for creative artistic expression. Join our session to learn how drones are being used to fulfill artistic vision and how you can engage your students’ creative sides with these revolutionary tools.

Tyler Downey, Training Coordinator and STEAM Specialist, PCS Edventures!, Inc.

No recording available


12:30 pm - 1:45 pm

Engaging Families and Partners in 21st CCLC Programs

Inclusive, Responsive, and Reciprocal Caregiver Engagement

Boys & Girls Clubs (BGCs) understand that caregiver engagement is a critical component of positive youth development. In this session you will be introduced to the foundational principles of inclusive, responsive, and reciprocal caregiver engagement; learn how these principles are being applied at BGCs; and assess opportunities to grow and strengthen this work in your own program.

Rei Latri, Wattles Club Director, Boys & Girls Clubs of Portland Metro Area

Lesa Sexton, Director of Youth Development, Boys & Girls Clubs of America

Christina Baker Smith, Chief Administrative Officer, Boys & Girls Clubs of Dumplin Valley

12:30 pm - 1:45 pm

Building Equity and Unity

Partner Build Grow: Tools for the Sustainability of School-Connected Initiatives

Learn a process by which stakeholders can determine how best to align school and community programs so that they can build and sustain safe and supportive environments for all students to thrive. Understanding community context and practical frameworks, and using examples from local, state, and national efforts, four steps will be presented that have helped stakeholders develop and strengthen school-connected programs that support student success. Attendees will leave with information on how to deepen school-community partnerships and to access tools for supporting school-connected and community programs.

Rachel Sadlon, Associate Director, Research and Evaluation, Center for Health and Health Care in Schools

12:30 pm - 1:45 pm

Building Equity and Unity

Practices and Procedures for Including Students with Disabilities

Everyone benefits when your 21st CCLC program embraces all students, which you’re closer to achieving when you include students with disabilities. In this session, the Department of Education’s You for Youth (Y4Y) Technical Assistance Team will break down how to create a program environment that is inclusive for all learners. We’ll talk about how the elements of your program - from the language you use to the space you occupy - can make your 21st CCLC site a supportive environment for all students. We’ll also provide you with concrete strategies and resources you can apply in your program.

Yana List, Education Specialist, You for Youth

David McConnell, Lead Training Specialist, You for Youth

12:30 pm - 1:45 pm

Career Pathways

Qualities of Effective STEM Programming in the Afterschool Environment

Looking for enriching content for your afterschool program? Explore how even in a remote learning environment, high quality STEM programming can prepare students for careers through hands-on project-based learning. This session will review how to identify effective STEM programs for the afterschool setting using FIRST as a case example.

Nancy Boyer, Director of Evaluation, and Impact, FIRST

Elizabeth Simpson, Director of Education, FIRST

12:30 pm - 1:45 pm

Engaging Families and Partners in 21st CCLC Programs

Relationship Building for Efficacy and Sustainability

Ensure critical partners are aware of the impact of your work. This “partner” presentation to the Afterschool Alliance’s crafting a message session will help programs think through how to deliver their message to and build relationships with key constituencies such as education leaders, the media, local governments, business and philanthropy partners and others.

Janelle Cousino, Senior Advisor, Afterschool Alliance

Tom Haggard, Director, Kentucky Out-of-School Alliance

Zelda Waymer, President and CEO, South Carolina Afterschool Alliance

12:30 pm - 1:45 pm

Building Equity and Unity

See and Be Seen, Observing SEL Skill to Build SEL Equity

Socio-emotional skills are at the center of the 21st CCLC theory of change because SEL skills have a compounding effect on many developmental outcomes (e.g., academic achievement) and must be accurately “seen” to build SEL equity. Three best practice methods of observing children’s SEL skills are introduced to participants with guidance for use.

Charles Smith, Managing Consultant, Qturn, LLC

Lucy Smith, Research Consultant and Communications Lead, Qturn, LLC

12:30 pm - 1:45 pm

The Fundamentals of Flexibility - The Wide World of Creative Thinking


LA STEAM Athletics has developed a fun and innovative way of exposing students to the various aspects of STEAM by leaning on what they love, athletics and sports.

Eric Lewis, Director, LA STEAM Athletics

12:30 pm - 1:45 pm

Learning Recovery Through 21st CCLC

There is Power in the Pivot: Combatting COVID Slide through High Quality Virtual Programming

When the pandemic shut down schools across the United States, how did your 21st CCLC program adapt? Were you barely surviving or able to thrive? In this interactive workshop, participants will learn how several 21st CCLC programs in NJ used high quality virtual programming to thrive, despite the challenges exacerbated by COVID-19.

Tyneisha Gibbs, Director of Expanded Learning Opportunities, NJSACC: The Statewide Network for NJ's Afterschool Communities

12:30 pm - 1:45 pm

Learning Recovery Through 21st CCLC

Using Technology and Data to Enhance Student Learning and Engagement

Innovative and creative teachers use tools to truly engage their students. K-5 Before and After School Tutoring and K-12 Summer School are the areas of focus. We must keep students interested in learning - so much incredible technology is at our fingertips. Discover strategies, ideas, websites, best practices, and use data to target students' needs and make the growth students need.

Heathre Palige, Director and Site Coordinator for 21st Community Learning Center, Pinnacle Charter School

12:30 pm - 1:45 pm

Building Equity and Unity

You Need to Take Care of YOU! - You Can’t Give from Empty

Practicing self-care can help navigate the ups and downs of life. Come share in activities and practices that can help to reduce stress and enhance overall well-being: essentially, by proactively taking care of yourself. Learn practices and behaviors that help you feel refreshed, re-energized, and rested.

Gale Gorke, Executive Director, Kids Kan Inc

2:05 pm - 3:05 pm

Concurrent Breakout Sessions

2:05 pm - 3:05 pm

Plenary Session

21st CCLC STEM Agency Partnerships

Join us as we learn from our STEM Agency partners – National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, (NOAA), National Aeronautic and Aerospace Administration (NASA), the Institute of Museum & Library Services (IMLS) & the National Park Service (NPS) and their education and engagement partners – about the work they have been doing to provide top-notch STEM professional development and student engagement opportunities at 21st CCLC site across the nation. Learn how your students can benefits from the resources developed and available to you today.

Maria Arredondo, Education Programs Specialist, NASA Office of STEM Engagement

2:05 pm - 3:05 pm

Plenary Session

21st CCLC STEM Agency Partnerships

Join us as we learn from our STEM Agency partners – National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, (NOAA), National Aeronautic and Aerospace Administration (NASA), the Institute of Museum & Library Services (IMLS) & the National Park Service (NPS) and their education and engagement partners – about the work they have been doing to provide top-notch STEM professional development and student engagement opportunities at 21st CCLC site across the nation. Learn how your students can benefits from the resources developed and available to you today.

Patti Curtis, Robert Noyce/Ellen Lettvin STEM Education Fellow, U.S. Department of Education

2:05 pm - 3:05 pm

Plenary Session

21st CCLC STEM Agency Partnerships

Join us as we learn from our STEM Agency partners – National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, (NOAA), National Aeronautic and Aerospace Administration (NASA), the Institute of Museum & Library Services (IMLS) & the National Park Service (NPS) and their education and engagement partners – about the work they have been doing to provide top-notch STEM professional development and student engagement opportunities at 21st CCLC site across the nation. Learn how your students can benefits from the resources developed and available to you today.

Danny Kirk, Manager of Maker Space Programs, New York Hall of Science (NYSCI)

2:05 pm - 3:05 pm

Plenary Session

21st CCLC STEM Agency Partnerships

Join us as we learn from our STEM Agency partners – National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, (NOAA), National Aeronautic and Aerospace Administration (NASA), the Institute of Museum & Library Services (IMLS) & the National Park Service (NPS) and their education and engagement partners – about the work they have been doing to provide top-notch STEM professional development and student engagement opportunities at 21st CCLC site across the nation. Learn how your students can benefits from the resources developed and available to you today.

Robert LaSalvia, Strategic Partnership Manager, NASA

2:05 pm - 3:05 pm

Plenary Session

21st CCLC STEM Agency Partnerships

Join us as we learn from our STEM Agency partners – National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, (NOAA), National Aeronautic and Aerospace Administration (NASA), the Institute of Museum & Library Services (IMLS) & the National Park Service (NPS) and their education and engagement partners – about the work they have been doing to provide top-notch STEM professional development and student engagement opportunities at 21st CCLC site across the nation. Learn how your students can benefits from the resources developed and available to you today.

Bronwen Rice, Education Program Coordinator, NOAA

2:05 pm - 3:05 pm

Plenary Session

21st CCLC STEM Agency Partnerships

Join us as we learn from our STEM Agency partners – National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, (NOAA), National Aeronautic and Aerospace Administration (NASA), the Institute of Museum & Library Services (IMLS) & the National Park Service (NPS) and their education and engagement partners – about the work they have been doing to provide top-notch STEM professional development and student engagement opportunities at 21st CCLC site across the nation. Learn how your students can benefits from the resources developed and available to you today.

Robert Sendrey, Program Director, Environmental Education, National Environmental Education Foundation

3:25 pm - 4:40 pm

Concurrent Breakout Sessions

3:25 pm - 4:40 pm

Engaging Families and Partners in 21st CCLC Programs

Building a Pipeline of Community Partners

In this workshop, we explore how programs can create a pipeline of strong community partners and what they can do to maintain strong relationships, how programs use social media to attract and highlight their partners, and what unique community partners can bring to your program.

Ben Hinkle-Wzsalek, Director of Operations, Cayen Systems

Phillip Smith, Afterschool Brand Manager, Cayen Systems

3:25 pm - 4:40 pm

Learning Recovery Through 21st CCLC

Creating Math Champions

Math ability is the single strongest indicator of students' future academic and financial success. It is crucial for us to champion math. All students can succeed in math if we reduce the stress and anxiety around mathematics. It can be done, games can help. Learn fun ways to promote math.

Mary Curry, Math Enthusiast, MANGO Math Group

3:25 pm - 4:40 pm

The Fundamentals of Flexibility - The Wide World of Creative Thinking

Full STEAM Ahead - Developing Interactive, Hands-On, Standards-Based Curriculum for OST Programs

Hop on the STEAM train! Learn how to create thematic curriculum that is based on education standards, fosters creativity and problem solving, is easy to implement, and engages your entire community.

Lynne Jones, Action Arts and Science Program Coordinator, Washington Pavilion

3:25 pm - 4:40 pm

Building Equity and Unity

Heart-centered Strategies That Build Trust, Connection, and a Community for Success

This presentation will address trauma’s consequences and facilitate healing. Highly engaging, it teaches practical strategies that provide the coping skills young people desperately need today to build a healthy self-image, build resilience and not live in the mistakes and misfortunes of their past.

Jessica Janniere, Adversity Expert, Look Up and Beyond Inc.

3:25 pm - 4:40 pm

Building Equity and Unity

Implementing Social and Emotional Learning in Your 21st CCLC Program

This presentation will look at Horizon Education Centers’ experiences in prioritizing Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) at their 21st CCLC sites last school year. Participants will learn what SEL is, why it is important, how to intentionally practice and promote SEL, and Horizon will share what lessons they have learned.

Melissa Snively, 21st CCLC Education Services Coordinator, Horizon Education Centers

3:25 pm - 4:40 pm

Building Equity and Unity

Partners for Student Success – How We Level the Playing Field for Struggling Students

Partners for Student Success will present information on how the program builds equity and unity for struggling students, attending high-poverty and low-performing school districts in urban or rural settings. Examples of affordable STEAM program offerings and community partnerships that have successfully engaged students (K-12) will be shared.

Judith Varn, P4SS Education Program Director, Greater Cleveland Neighborhood Centers Association

Allison Wallace, Executive Director, Greater Cleveland Neighborhood Centers Association

3:25 pm - 4:40 pm

Engaging Families and Partners in 21st CCLC Programs

Recipe for Success - Engaging Families Virtually with Nutrition and Cooking Education

Common Threads is a national nonprofit that provides families cooking and nutrition education. Due to COVID-19, we adapted our programs to be implemented virtually to engage families at home. We will showcase our adapted implementation procedures and content enhancements necessary to effectively engage families with healthy cooking virtually.

Kristin Mize, Education and Training Manager, Common Threads

Ashley Roth, Partnership Engagement Manager & Registered Dietitian, Common Threads

3:25 pm - 4:40 pm

The Fundamentals of Flexibility - The Wide World of Creative Thinking

STEAM Integration in Afterschool

Join us in this exciting hands-on workshop and learn how to integrate STEAM with project-based learning in your afterschool program. Bring your problem-solving skills as we construct several STEAM activities and learn how to create a blended learning environment.

William Albert, CEO & Founder, STEMfinity

Jason Lindsey, Mr. Science, Hooked on Science

3:25 pm - 4:40 pm

Building Equity and Unity

Supporting Out-of-School Time Through the ARP Act Child Care Stabilization and Supplemental Funds

In recognition of the crucial role childcare and out-of-school time programming plays in supporting children, families, businesses, and the economy as a whole, The American Rescue Plan Act includes funding through the Office of Child Care for states, territories, and Tribes to stabilize the childcare market and expand access to quality childcare for all families. In this session, participants will explore how Stabilization Grants and Supplemental Discretionary Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) Funds can be used to support Out-of-School Time.

Siobhan Bredin, Director of Training and Technical Assistance, National Center on Afterschool and Summer Enrichment

Megan Campbell, Child Care Program Specialist, Office of Child Care, Administration for Children and Families, US Dept of Health and Human Services

Tricia Haley

Tony Streit, Principal Investigator, National Center on Afterschool & Summer Enrichment (NCASE)

3:25 pm - 4:40 pm

Learning Recovery Through 21st CCLC

The Great Digital Outdoors: How Community Science Can Engage Youth in the Outdoors–Even While Inside

Anyone can lead digital STEM and environmental learning experiences that are authentic, meaningful, and fun. Science Action Club empowers educators of all experience levels to help youth contribute to global citizen science projects. Come learn about citizen science and how to use it to bridge the widening STEM gap.

Rachael Van Schoik, Science Action Club Manager, California Academy of Sciences

3:25 pm - 4:40 pm

Engaging Families and Partners in 21st CCLC Programs

To Infinity and Beyond: Maximizing Family and Community Partnerships

Prioritizing relationships with partnerships is one of the most important details when coordinating your programs. Partnerships add valuable experiences that meet a wide variety of student and family needs to produce astonishing results! This workshop explores how to maximize impact across six strategic partnership sectors every program needs to engage.

Jasmine Castleberry, Project Director, Harris County Department of Education

Audrey Jefferson, Family Engagement Specialist, Harris County Department of Education

Monique Smith, Family Engagement Specialist, Harris County Department of Education

3:25 pm - 4:40 pm

The Fundamentals of Flexibility - The Wide World of Creative Thinking

Using a Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience to Create a Learner-Centered Afterschool Program

Meaningful Watershed Educational Experiences (MWEEs) are learner-centered programs focused on local environmental issues that guide students to informed action and civic engagement. Participants will learn about the MWEE and how this approach can support student creativity and innovative problem solving in the context of environmental literacy and STEM.

Wendy Kedzierski, Project Director, Creek Connections at Allegheny College

Bronwen Rice, Education Program Coordinator, NOAA

Elise Trelegan, Chesapeake B-WET Program Coordinator, Earth Resources Technology/NOAA

4:40 pm - 5:00 pm

Concurrent Breakout Sessions

4:40 pm - 5:00 pm

Plenary Session

Day 1 Wrap-up

Miriam Lund, 21st CCLC Group Lead, U.S. Department of Education

Wednesday, July 21

Session times are in EDT timezone
11:00 am - 11:15 am

Concurrent Breakout Sessions

11:00 am - 11:15 am

Plenary Session

Welcome and Housekeeping

Miriam Lund, 21st CCLC Group Lead, U.S. Department of Education

Ruth Ryder, Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office of Policy and Programs - Formula Grants, U.S. Department of Education

11:15 am - 12:30 pm

Concurrent Breakout Sessions

11:15 am - 12:30 pm

Career Pathways

Building ‘Employability Skills’ One Small Piece At a Time

“Building ‘Employability Skills’ One Small Piece At a Time” reveals the ways instructors can add career building elements into their lesson plans. The Carthage Afterschool Enrichment Program practices this process in order to create a purposeful impact on the minds of students younger than the high school age.

Ruby Murrani, After School Program Assistant, Watertown YMCA & Carthage Central School District

Devan Robinson, After School Program Coordinator and Grant Data Assistant, Carthage Central School District & Watertown YMCA

11:15 am - 12:30 pm

Building Equity and Unity

Creating a Positive Afterschool Learning Environment

Our language and interactions send a signal to students and stakeholders. Make that signal one of nurture and caring by providing a positive learning environment with all the feels. Join the U.S. Department of Education’s You for Youth (Y4Y) Technical Assistance Team as they discuss the importance of designing a welcoming afterschool space, provide strategies for developing a positive learning environment, and offer ideas for maximizing outcomes through programming that makes students feel safe and ready to learn. Group hug!

Kathleen Bethke, Instructional Design Specialist, Synergy Enterprises, Inc.

Sherri Lauver, Lead Content Specialist, You for Youth

11:15 am - 12:30 pm

Learning Recovery Through 21st CCLC

Creating High-Quality Virtual Learning Experiences: Lessons from the Field

In this interactive session, attendees will learn the latest research on the challenges the pandemic presents to learning, understand what defines quality virtual learning, learn to restructure existing frameworks to implement quality virtual learning and promising practices, and receive access to resources for educators, students, and parents to use.

Nicole "K4" Kfoury, Manager of Networks and Partnerships, Partnerships in Education and Resilience (PEAR)

Cheyenne Paris, Partnerships in Education and Resilience (PEAR)

Jamaal Williams, Assistant Director of Training, Partnerships in Education and Resilience (PEAR)

11:15 am - 12:30 pm

Building Equity and Unity

IF/THEN Collection: Inspiring the Next Generation of Women in STEM

Do you care about inspiring girls to pursue STEM? In this session you will learn about the IF/THEN Collection, a digital library designed to help ensure equitable gender representation in STEM. If she can see it, then she can be it. Let's inspire the next generation of innovators!

Jessica Hay, Marketing and Partnerships Manager, National Girls Collaborative

11:15 am - 12:30 pm

Engaging Families and Partners in 21st CCLC Programs

Innovative Staffing Models for Out of School Time

Join us to learn about innovative and flexible partnerships that can enhance recruiting, training and supporting staff members who can provide high-quality learning experiences for all learners.

Nate Bowman, Area Director, Boys & Girls Clubs of the Valley

Patti Curtis, Robert Noyce/Ellen Lettvin STEM Education Fellow, U.S. Department of Education

Yanet Lopez

Melissa Moritz, Summer and Afterschool Fellow, U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Educational Sciences

Jessica Newman

Sonali Nijhawan, Director of AmeriCorps State and National, AmeriCorps

Andia Pebdani

Tim Sears

Katelyn Wamsted

11:15 am - 12:30 pm

Building Equity and Unity

Learnings from the Development of an Equity-oriented Youth Program Guidelines in RI

Our session consists of three sections: 1) Overview of our EAA guidelines, 2) Learnings from the collaboration of a local OST network and the 21st CCLC programs in RI, and 3) Participants’ interactive planning activity on timely approaches to enhance their 21st CCLC program quality assessment by incorporating equity lenses.

Kate Aubin, Teen Educator, Providence Public Library

Cherima Folston, Director of Programs & Professional Development, Boys & Girls Club of Pawtucket

Kuni Yasutake, Quality Advisor, The RI 21st CCLC Network

11:15 am - 12:30 pm

Learning Recovery Through 21st CCLC

NBA Math Hoops: Creating the Next Math Champion

NBA Math Hoops leverages the game of basketball and the NBA/WNBA to engage students with math and social-emotional learning skills through a digital board game, curriculum, mobile app, and community program. All resources for the program are completely free of cost for educators.

Vannessa Moreno, National Program Coordinator, Learn Fresh Education Company

Rebecca Wong, Director of Programs, Learn Fresh Education Company

11:15 am - 12:30 pm

Engaging Families and Partners in 21st CCLC Programs

Power of Partnership

Join us as we explore ways to leverage human capital and align your organization with companies and individuals to support the goals of your program.

Contobia Adams, Grant Project Administrator, Osceola County School District

Lasheena Williams, Principal, Bright Works Solution, LLC.

11:15 am - 12:30 pm

Building Equity and Unity

Resilient Leaders

In this workshop you will learn the skills necessary to be a resilient leader. We will discuss the difference between an assumed leader and a developed leader. You will leave with the knowledge on how to use resilience skills to become a better leader for your team.

Rey Medellin, Resilience Specialist, Island Resilience Center

11:15 am - 12:30 pm

Learning Recovery Through 21st CCLC

STEM Learning in Afterschool - A Key Piece of Learning Recovery

Hands-on STEM learning will be a key component of learning recovery efforts as educators reengage students and rethink how learning happens in and out-of-school. This workshop will highlight how innovative afterschool programs are supporting students and providing the experiential STEM opportunities students need to support to thrive in school.

Ayana Melvan, Senior Director of Strategic Partnerships, Mission Programs, Mystic Aquarium

Chris Neitzey, Director of STEM Initiatives, Afterschool Alliance

Meeta Sharma-Holt, Vice President, Growth and Strategic Partnerships, Techbridge Girls

11:15 am - 12:30 pm

Engaging Families and Partners in 21st CCLC Programs

Supporting 21st CCLC Families Through an Integrative Approach

This session is designed to offer strategies to 21st CCLC programs on how to embed an integrative approach to family engagement. Participants will be introduced to a whole family approach to service delivery & how to create a program model that connects families to resources and services all in an effort to remove barriers and support learning.

Joanne Bohl, SITE MANAGER, Wayne Metro Community Action Agency

11:15 am - 12:30 pm

Engaging Families and Partners in 21st CCLC Programs

Supporting 21st CCLC Families Through an Integrative Approach

This session is designed to offer strategies to 21st CCLC programs on how to embed an integrative approach to family engagement. Participants will be introduced to a whole family approach to service delivery & how to create a program model that connects families to resources and services all in an effort to remove barriers and support learning.

Carla Chinavare, Director of Youth and Family Services, Wayne Metropolitan Community Action Agency

11:15 am - 12:30 pm

Engaging Families and Partners in 21st CCLC Programs

Supporting 21st CCLC Families Through an Integrative Approach

This session is designed to offer strategies to 21st CCLC programs on how to embed an integrative approach to family engagement. Participants will be introduced to a whole family approach to service delivery & how to create a program model that connects families to resources and services all in an effort to remove barriers and support learning.

Hannah Wonfor, Youth & Family Engagement Specialist, Wayne Metro Community Action Agency

11:15 am - 12:30 pm

Career Pathways

Teaching 21st Century Skills via Physical Activity Aligned with Academics and SEL

Expanded learning programs play a critical role in teaching today's youth 21st-century skills. Join us to learn more than thirty ways to align academics and social emotional-learning with physical activity for K-8 students and foster active learning in afterschool programs.

Stacy Baugues, Founder and CEO, PowerUp Your School

11:15 am - 12:30 pm

Engaging Families and Partners in 21st CCLC Programs

The Impact of Quality on Summer Program Participation and Retention

Carefully planned, high quality summer programs increase access to summer meal programs, encourage participation and retention, providing youth with life changing experiences. In this session, participants will hear about exemplars connecting meals and quality, and learn practical ways to implement assessment measures, using an NSLA’s interactive program planning guide.

Brodrick Clarke, Director of Technical Training, National Summer Learning Association

11:15 am - 12:30 pm

The Fundamentals of Flexibility - The Wide World of Creative Thinking

The Power of a Question: Tips for Cultivating Creativity and Curiosity

Providing quality STEAM learning is bigger than simply presenting hands-on activities. The goal is to create an environment where youth engage in creative and critical thinking. One must become familiar and comfortable with asking effective open-ended questions. Through intentional questioning, you can stretch young people’s curiosity, reasoning ability, and creativity.

Chaz Pounder, Out-of-School Time Specialist, Utah Afterschool Network

12:50 pm - 1:50 pm

Concurrent Breakout Sessions

12:50 pm - 1:50 pm

Plenary Session

Street Data: A Next-Generation Model for Equity, Pedagogy, and School Transformation

Street data is the qualitative and experiential data that emerges at eye level and on lower frequencies when we train our brains to discern it. Street data is asset based, building on culturally responsive education by focusing on what’s right in our students, schools, and communities instead of seeking out what’s wrong. Street data embodies an ethos and a change methodology that will transform how we analyze, diagnose, and assess everything from student learning to district improvement to policy. Shane Safir and Dr. Jamila Dugan will lay out their transformational model, which will help you shift your focus from satellite-level data (test scores and other metrics) to real-time, on-the-ground stories, experiences, and artifacts. The time is now to reimagine our ways of being, leading, and knowing.

Jamila Dugan, Leadership Coach, JD Learning Partners

Shane Safir, Owner & Principal, Safir & Associates LLC

Keely Weber, Education Program Specialist, U.S. Department of Education

2:05 pm - 3:20 pm

Concurrent Breakout Sessions

2:05 pm - 3:20 pm

Career Pathways

Advancing College and Career Readiness in Out-of-School-Time

Better prepare your students for college and careers with a new free toolkit from the Maryland Out of School Time Network. During this workshop we will practice easy to implement how-to guides and activities as well as share strategies for collecting data and evaluating the impact of your program on social emotional skill development and college/career readiness.

Ellie Mitchell, Director, Maryland Out of School Time Network

Sally Munemitsu, Co-Founder & Chief Operating Officer, Hello Insight

2:05 pm - 3:20 pm

Building Equity and Unity

African American English and Inclusion

Define and learn about the history of African American Vernacular English (AAVE) and barriers that affect the way children learn. Discover strategies and how to support dual language learners who speak AAVE. Examine how to support the children you serve by providing resources that reflect their home language in the classroom.

Tiffany Grant, Business Development Manager/ Coach, First children's Finance/ Excell Academy for Higher Learning

2:05 pm - 3:20 pm

Building Equity and Unity

Black Adolescent Males Drowning in American Masculinity

This workshop will explore the various meanings of masculinity and how it relates to young black males and their trauma.

Colber Prosper, CEO & Senior Consultant, Prosper & Partners, LLC

2:05 pm - 3:20 pm

Learning Recovery Through 21st CCLC

Connecting the Dots: A Data-Driven Learning Recovery Framework for 21st CCLC Programs

The academic, social, and emotional setbacks emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic have underscored the need for data-driven decision-making that supports learning recovery for 21st CCLC program participants. Many of the commonly used data sources are unavailable or insufficient to monitor program quality and ensure effectiveness.

Jenn Conner, Director, Center for Afterschool and Expanded Learning, Foundations, Inc.

2:05 pm - 3:20 pm

Learning Recovery Through 21st CCLC

Connecting the Dots: A Data-Driven Learning Recovery Framework for 21st CCLC Programs

The academic, social, and emotional setbacks emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic have underscored the need for data-driven decision-making that supports learning recovery for 21st CCLC program participants. Many of the commonly used data sources are unavailable or insufficient to monitor program quality and ensure effectiveness.

Andrew Francis, Education Specialist, Foundations Inc.

2:05 pm - 3:20 pm

Career Pathways

Connecting Trauma Informed Care to STEM Career Exploration

How can we prioritize healing and student wellbeing while also covering curricular content? Can we prepare students for a world demanding higher competencies in STEM while also facilitating reconnection and recover from more than a year of surviving a global pandemic? Sunrise offers a framework for doing just that in a trauma informed and developmentally appropriate way. [Some prior knowledge of concepts of trauma recommended for participants].

Marina Fradera, Trauma and Curriculum Specialist, Sunrise of Philadelphia, Inc

Sunni Harris, Site Support Coordinator, Sunrise of Philadelphia, Inc

2:05 pm - 3:20 pm

Career Pathways

CyberPatriot - The National Youth Cyber Education Program

CyberPatriot is the National Youth Cyber Education program which was created to inspire students toward careers in cybersecurity and other STEM field. The briefing will cover how the National Youth Cyber Defense Competition and other CyberPatriot programs work and how 21st CCLC locations can utilize the CyberPatriot programs.

Rachel Zimmerman, Senior Director of CyberPatriot Business Operations, Air Force Association - CyberPatriot

2:05 pm - 3:20 pm

Building Equity and Unity

Increasing Technology Confidence Through SEL Integration

This interactive session will dive into how BellXcel Remote discovered unintended positive impacts on the way teachers engage with students and influence their technology confidence and reduce stress. Learn strategies to engage students in ways that lower tech anxiety while encouraging participation in a safe and supportive learning environment.

Danny Martinez, Senior Consultant, Sperling Center for Research and Innovation

2:05 pm - 3:20 pm

Engaging Families and Partners in 21st CCLC Programs

Innovations in Impact: Building Intentional Supports for 21CCLC Staff

Join the Indiana 21st CCLC team to learn about the vision behind and success of the state’s first-ever 21CCLC Communications and Engagement Cohort; a deep and reflective space for providers to creatively re-envision their challenges and assets. And, how you too could implement such a model within your program.

Sara Beanblossom, Director of Communications and Advocacy, Indiana Afterschool Network

Erin Busk, 21st CCLC Grant Specialist, Indiana Department of Education

Lauren Day, Principal Partner, CityStrategies LLC

2:05 pm - 3:20 pm

Learning Recovery Through 21st CCLC

Intentionally Designing Staff Development for Intentional Design

Examine how a rural community-based program worked to improve quality and increase staff skills by spending the last year of professional development explicitly centered around Intentional Design. Access strategies used, learn about outcomes — including increased engagement in learning — and discover future plans that you can apply to your own program.

Laura Laabs, Grants Director, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Wyoming

2:05 pm - 3:20 pm

Building Equity and Unity

Media Mentorship: Engaging Families and Our Communities

This workshop will focus on empowering program leaders, families, and students to maximize digital literacy skills with a Media Mentorship Program. We will start by defining media literacy and its importance in 21st century education. We delve deeper into the ways that program leaders can implement media mentorship programs within their existing programs. As we discuss media mentorship, we will also propose an intentional plan for incorporating digital literacy, online safety, and digital citizenship into 21st Century education programs to better prepare students for the workforce.

Kayla Solinsky, Executive Director, Macbeth Academy

Nygel White, Program, Production & Engagement Coordinator, Hartford Public Library

2:05 pm - 3:20 pm

The Fundamentals of Flexibility - The Wide World of Creative Thinking

NASA Design Challenge: Get Creative with Sound

Participants in this session will learn how to access NASA’s Next Gen STEM activities and will explore the science of sound through two hands-on activities using inexpensive household items. All activities are NASA mission focused and aligned to national STEM standards.

Jennifer Hudgins, Education Specialist, NASA Office of STEM Engagement

2:05 pm - 3:20 pm

The Fundamentals of Flexibility - The Wide World of Creative Thinking

Recharge, Renew and Re-imagine Learning with Mizzen by Mott

As we prepare for students to return to the classroom, how do we ready ourselves to reconnect with young people and re-imagine afterschool time with them? Join Mizzen by Mott for a conversation with leaders in the field and Mizzen’s content specialist about the value of quality program content for your students’ success. Mizzen by Mott offers high-quality content, Pro Tips and program tools to the afterschool field. Through support from the Mott Foundation, the app is free to afterschool professionals who are empowering young people everywhere.

Willie Buford, Site Manager, Youth Quest

Maggie Burke, Associate, Collaborative Communications Group

Katie Curnow, User Acquisition and Engagement Lead, Mizzen by Mott

Guillermo Escobar, Operations Manager, Orlando After-School All-Stars

Sarah Mellon, Partnership and Content Specialist, Mizzen by Mott

Gerardo Mungaray, Regional Manager, EduCare Foundation

Kari Pardoe, Program Officer, The Charles Stewart Mott Foundation

Laurie Posner, Communications Officer - Education, The Charles Stewart Mott Foundation

3:45 pm - 4:45 pm

Concurrent Breakout Sessions

3:45 pm - 4:45 pm

Plenary Session

Meeting the Challenge Facing our Youth- THIS IS NOT A DRILL!

Geoffrey Canada, President, Harlem Children’s Zone

Keely Weber, Education Program Specialist, U.S. Department of Education

Thursday, July 22

Session times are in EDT timezone
11:00 am - 11:30 am

Concurrent Breakout Sessions

11:00 am - 11:30 am

Plenary Session

U.S. Department of Education Updates

Erica Johnson, Federal Project Officer, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education

Miriam Lund, 21st CCLC Group Lead, U.S. Department of Education

11:30 am - 12:45 pm

Concurrent Breakout Sessions

11:30 am - 12:45 pm

Engaging Families and Partners in 21st CCLC Programs

"It's All About People": Relationship Skills and the Foundation of Successful Partnership

This session will focus on an analysis of the human relationship dynamics that were the foundation of successful partnerships brokered between the Anchorage School District (ASD) 21st Century Program and two 3rd-party organizations: LEGO Education (2018) and AVID Center (2020).

Marcy Richards, Program Manager, 21st Century Program, Anchorage School District

Ty Stevenson, Product Manager, AVID Center

11:30 am - 12:45 pm

Building Equity and Unity

Giving Kids the Vocabulary to Express their Feelings: Closing the Equity Gap with SEL

Participants will learn strategies to support students’ social and emotional development by emphasizing a vocabulary and language to identify and express their emotions that they can use throughout their lives. In doing so, adults also learn more about their own strengths and areas for improvement in verbal and nonverbal communication. Participants will leave with strategies they can implement immediately to foster SEL in all kids and educators.

Katie Frazier, SEL Trainer, WINGS for Kids

Nicole Williams, Partnership Training Specialist, Wings for Kids

11:30 am - 12:45 pm

The Fundamentals of Flexibility - The Wide World of Creative Thinking

Health and Wellness with Y4Y

What do you think of when you hear “health and wellness?” Every person has their own definition and how it applies to their own life. In this session, we’ll help you develop your own sense of health and wellness along with an awareness of its place in out-of-school time programs. Supporting health and wellness is crucial for students’ academic and personal wellbeing, but there often isn’t enough time to focus on these concepts during the school day. We’ll talk about how out-of-school time initiatives can supplement school-day offerings to promote student, staff and community wellbeing. We’ll also address how you can leverage school day partnerships to create meaningful, standards-aligned health and wellness programming.

Yana List, Education Specialist, You for Youth

David McConnell, Lead Training Specialist, You for Youth

11:30 am - 12:45 pm

The Fundamentals of Flexibility - The Wide World of Creative Thinking

Igniting Your Social Emotional Leadership

SEL skill-building for our youth is more important than ever... but what about for ourselves? The pandemic has taken a toll on everyone, and as leaders we must tend to our own social emotional well-being, and understand how our Emotional Intelligence impacts our leadership. This session will show you how.

Greg Shamie, Director of Staff Development, The Leadership Program

11:30 am - 12:45 pm

Building Equity and Unity

Million Girls Moonshot: Changing the Trajectory of Women in STEM

Explore new opportunities and pathways to engage girls in STEM content in afterschool programs with the STEM Next Opportunity Fund and NASA. The Million Girls Moonshot seeks to re-imagine who can engineer, who can build, who can make. It will inspire and prepare the next generation of innovators by engaging one million more girls in STEM learning opportunities through afterschool and summer programs over the next 5 years.

Maria Arredondo, Education Programs Specialist, NASA Office of STEM Engagement

Patti Curtis, Robert Noyce/Ellen Lettvin STEM Education Fellow, U.S. Department of Education

Nikesha Davis, Aerospace Engineer, NASA Goddard Space Center

Teresa Drew, Deputy Director, STEM Next Opportunity Fund

Loren Farmer, Program Coordinator, WV Statewide Afterschool Network

Robert LaSalvia, Strategic Partnership Manager, NASA

Áine Shivnan, Vice President, Program Management, Qualcomm

Anna Wishart, Director of Partnerships, Nebraska Children and Families Foundation

11:30 am - 12:45 pm

Learning Recovery Through 21st CCLC

OST Data: Monitoring Students’ Progress

The intentional design and monitoring of an activity's impact are foundational to learning recovery efforts and the overall success. In tandem with these activities, programs must design measurement systems consisting of assessments and monitoring tools. This presentation will explore a process through which programs can implement such a process.

Jenn Conner, Director, Center for Afterschool and Expanded Learning, Foundations, Inc.

Andrew Francis, Education Specialist, Foundations Inc.

11:30 am - 12:45 pm

Learning Recovery Through 21st CCLC

Recruitment and Retention as Tools to Launch Students to the Next Level

With significant learning recovery necessary, it is important to bring together the right staff and students to maximize out of school time. You will develop a recruitment strategy for students and professionals during this session for your site, along with becoming familiar with a bank of high-impact teaching strategies.

Lori Goslar, School Principal, Avondale ESD #44

Carly Schoettes, 21st Century Site Coordinator, Avondale ESD #44

No recording available


11:30 am - 12:45 pm

Career Pathways

Small Businesses as Career Exploration Partners

Bridge the divide between education and business! In this session, we will explore how community small businesses can be engaged in any program and utilized to develop students' future employability and career skills. Based on Helix's Business Partnership Programming, attendees can anticipate leaving with immediate ideas on how to engage community members and businesses to increase student success!

Caitlin Botsios, Co-Founder and Director of Education, Helix Chicago

11:30 am - 12:45 pm

Building Equity and Unity

Smart Strategies for Financially Savvy Youth

This session will provide teachers who are working to meet financial literacy standards with resources they can use in their classrooms immediately. Additionally, participants will learn how to measure their program successes and will discuss best practices for program success.

Lyn Haralson, Senior Policy and Innovation Analyst, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Leslie Jones, Youth Financial Education Analyst, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

11:30 am - 12:45 pm

The Fundamentals of Flexibility - The Wide World of Creative Thinking

STEAM by Design

We live in a designed world. From nature to the built environment, everything is designed. STEAM by DESIGN connects transdisciplinary activities across nine connected scales- nano, pattern, object, space, architecture, neighborhood, urban, region, and the world, transforming discreet subject introduction into student-led inquiry-based creativity, activating citizenship and introducing careers.

Linda Keane, Professor of Architecture and Environmental Design, School of the Art Institute of Chicago

11:30 am - 12:45 pm

Learning Recovery Through 21st CCLC

Supporting Emergent Readers

Supporting emergent readers is critical to building a foundation in becoming a successful reader. During this interactive session, participants will take part in engaging activities and games that build up emergent readers. Strategies for progress monitoring and differentiation will be included to specifically target learning recovery in emergent readers.

Chapple Osborne-Arnold, Deputy Director, Save the Children

Jenna Wedgworth, Program Specialist, Save the Children

11:30 am - 12:45 pm

Building Equity and Unity

The Power of SEL on Students Mental Wellness

At a time when schools are closed, students have limited access to peers, teachers and virtual learning is now a new norm, it is important to be aware of the impact of COVID19 on students socially and emotionally. Research has shown that in order for students to reach their full potential in school and in life, socio-emotional learning is a critical component to the students’ educational experience. During our current crisis where students are struggling, the focus on SEL has become more critical. Students who struggle to manage emotions, are unable to work well with others, or are unable to act responsibly and respectfully, have difficulty focusing on learning and building healthy relationship necessary for success in school and life. My role is to provide the link between academic achievement and socio-emotional learning. The workshop will incorporate interactive group activities and lively discussions and will be facilitated using a PowerPoint presentation. Discussion Points: Overview of SEL definition, SEL competencies and relevance to student mental health. The workshop discussion will include the effects of COVID19 on students’ mental health.

Paula Carroll, Case Manager, UPO Youth Service Division

De Angelo Rorie, Youth Services Director, United Planning Organization

11:30 am - 12:45 pm

Building Equity and Unity

The State of Summer Learning

After 2020, summer will never look the same again. Join the discussion to analyze what happened and consider designs for summer going forward.

Brodrick Clarke, Director of Technical Training, National Summer Learning Association

Andrew Maxey, Director of Strategic Initiatives, Tuscaloosa City Schools

Jennifer McCombs, Director, Behavioral and Policy Sciences Department, RAND

Cory Radisch, Continuous Improvement Specialist, NJ Department of Education

11:30 am - 12:45 pm

Government Performance and Results Act for 21st CCLC

Welcome to the New GPRA

The new GPRA are here! Join the Tactile 21APR team for an overview of the new GPRA and how 21APR is adapting. Learn the who, what, when, and why of the new GPRA.

Deaglan Daugherty, Project Director, The Tactile Group

Debora Ortloff, Subject Matter Expert, The Tactile Group

1:05 pm - 2:25 pm

Concurrent Breakout Sessions

1:05 pm - 2:25 pm

Engaging Families and Partners in 21st CCLC Programs

#AfterschoolWorks: Crafting a Winning Afterschool Message

Do you feel that your words don’t have the impact they should when talking about afterschool? This interactive workshop will discuss what works and what doesn’t when communicating about afterschool, how to tailor your message for key audiences, and how to leverage this information and build support for your program.

Bella DiMarco, Project Associate, Afterschool Alliance

Tiyana Glenn, Project Associate, Afterschool Alliance

1:05 pm - 2:20 pm

Career Pathways

A Conversation with 21stCCLC Students and Facilitators Implementing NASA Design Challenges

Join students, facilitators and NASA's Engineers and Scientists to discuss the students work on the NASA Engineering Design Challenges during the 2020-2021 school year.

Maria Arredondo, Education Programs Specialist, NASA Office of STEM Engagement

1:05 pm - 2:20 pm

Career Pathways

A Conversation with 21stCCLC Students and Facilitators Implementing NASA Design Challenges

Join students, facilitators and NASA's Engineers and Scientists to discuss the students work on the NASA Engineering Design Challenges during the 2020-2021 school year.

Laura Bonner-Ridgway, WI Site

1:05 pm - 2:20 pm

Career Pathways

A Conversation with 21stCCLC Students and Facilitators Implementing NASA Design Challenges

Join students, facilitators and NASA's Engineers and Scientists to discuss the students work on the NASA Engineering Design Challenges during the 2020-2021 school year.

Mildred Brown, NC Site, Southpoint Academy 21st CCLC Site in Durham

1:05 pm - 2:20 pm

Career Pathways

A Conversation with 21stCCLC Students and Facilitators Implementing NASA Design Challenges

Join students, facilitators and NASA's Engineers and Scientists to discuss the students work on the NASA Engineering Design Challenges during the 2020-2021 school year.

Olivia Colunga, TX Site, Harwell Middle School

1:05 pm - 2:20 pm

Career Pathways

A Conversation with 21stCCLC Students and Facilitators Implementing NASA Design Challenges

Join students, facilitators and NASA's Engineers and Scientists to discuss the students work on the NASA Engineering Design Challenges during the 2020-2021 school year.

Carlos Cruz-Arce, Postbac Science Researcher, NASA GSFC

1:05 pm - 2:20 pm

Career Pathways

A Conversation with 21stCCLC Students and Facilitators Implementing NASA Design Challenges

Join students, facilitators and NASA's Engineers and Scientists to discuss the students work on the NASA Engineering Design Challenges during the 2020-2021 school year.

Dawn Fitzhugh, 21st CCLC Program Specialist, AZ SEA

1:05 pm - 2:20 pm

Career Pathways

A Conversation with 21stCCLC Students and Facilitators Implementing NASA Design Challenges

Join students, facilitators and NASA's Engineers and Scientists to discuss the students work on the NASA Engineering Design Challenges during the 2020-2021 school year.

Kirt Gordon, AZ Site Coordinator

1:05 pm - 2:20 pm

Career Pathways

A Conversation with 21stCCLC Students and Facilitators Implementing NASA Design Challenges

Join students, facilitators and NASA's Engineers and Scientists to discuss the students work on the NASA Engineering Design Challenges during the 2020-2021 school year.

Angela Hannon, STEM Teacher, Cambridge City Schools-Cambridge Middle School

1:05 pm - 2:20 pm

Career Pathways

A Conversation with 21stCCLC Students and Facilitators Implementing NASA Design Challenges

Join students, facilitators and NASA's Engineers and Scientists to discuss the students work on the NASA Engineering Design Challenges during the 2020-2021 school year.

Robert LaSalvia, Strategic Partnership Manager, NASA

1:05 pm - 2:20 pm

Career Pathways

A Conversation with 21stCCLC Students and Facilitators Implementing NASA Design Challenges

Join students, facilitators and NASA's Engineers and Scientists to discuss the students work on the NASA Engineering Design Challenges during the 2020-2021 school year.

Mary Lobo, NASA Glenn Research Center

1:05 pm - 2:20 pm

Career Pathways

A Conversation with 21stCCLC Students and Facilitators Implementing NASA Design Challenges

Join students, facilitators and NASA's Engineers and Scientists to discuss the students work on the NASA Engineering Design Challenges during the 2020-2021 school year.

Eileene Moss, VA Site

1:05 pm - 2:20 pm

Career Pathways

A Conversation with 21stCCLC Students and Facilitators Implementing NASA Design Challenges

Join students, facilitators and NASA's Engineers and Scientists to discuss the students work on the NASA Engineering Design Challenges during the 2020-2021 school year.

Crystal Newton, OK site teacher, Mission elementary

1:05 pm - 2:20 pm

Career Pathways

A Conversation with 21stCCLC Students and Facilitators Implementing NASA Design Challenges

Join students, facilitators and NASA's Engineers and Scientists to discuss the students work on the NASA Engineering Design Challenges during the 2020-2021 school year.

Eddie Robinson, Teacher, Southpoint Academy

1:05 pm - 2:20 pm

Career Pathways

A Conversation with 21stCCLC Students and Facilitators Implementing NASA Design Challenges

Join students, facilitators and NASA's Engineers and Scientists to discuss the students work on the NASA Engineering Design Challenges during the 2020-2021 school year.

Connie Thompson, OK Site Coordinator, Mission Elementary

1:05 pm - 2:20 pm

Building Equity and Unity

Creating and Sustaining Equitable Out-of-School Programs

This session will help attendees develop and maintain equitable out-of-school programs. Key topics addressed include: developing a shared language and vision of equity, culturally responsive pedagogies and practices, understanding adverse childhood experiences and trauma, culturally competent and diverse workforce, and continual assessment and sustainability. Presenters will include an example of their work in practice. Will include a Q&A segment.

Jan Perry Evenstad, Director, Western Educational Equity Assistance Center

Paula Johnson, Director, IDRA EAC-South

Susan Shaffer, Director, MAEC Center for Education Equity

Seena Skelton, Director, Midwest & Plains Equity Assistance Center

1:05 pm - 2:20 pm

Building Equity and Unity

Elevating Your Tribal Engagement: Programs and Essential Understandings

Do you have programs in Indian Country or serve large numbers of American Indian, Native Alaskan or Native Hawaiian students? Join this session where you can explore discretionary and formula funding though the Department of Education’s Office of Indian Education, how to braid those funds with your 21st CCLC program, how to manage required tribal consultation and how to intentional design activities that meet the unique needs of your students.

Kathleen Bethke, Instructional Design Specialist, Synergy Enterprises, Inc.

Sarah Brightwell, Technical Assistance Lead, Synergy Enterprises, Inc.

Julian Guerrero, Director, Office of Indian Education

Donna Sabis-Burns, Group Leader-Discretionary Grants, Office of Indian Education

1:05 pm - 2:25 pm

Engaging Families and Partners in 21st CCLC Programs

Empowering Families and Communities Through Environmental Stewardship

The NASA GLOBE program engages families, educators, students, scientists and community partners in making a difference within their own communities. In this session, participants will learn how they can use NASA GLOBE resources during out-of-school time to guide students through a variety of environmental studies.

Tina Harte, Informal GLOBE, NASA Langley Research Center

1:05 pm - 2:25 pm

Building Equity and Unity

Equity and Inclusion in Action: Using a Framework to Transform STEM Programming

Learn how to take action with equity. In this session you’ll learn about the Equity and Inclusion Framework, specifically designed for STEM learning, providing strategies and tactics for creating more equitable experiences.

Brenda Britsch, Senior Research Scientist, National Girls Collaborative

Alicia Santiago, Program Director, National Science Foundation in the Division of Research on Learning

1:05 pm - 2:25 pm

Career Pathways

Esports for Career Exploration and Skill-Building

Learn how the North American Scholastic Esports Federation has used esports as a platform for STEAM learning. We will show an overview of a free club system that includes curriculum, learning toolkits, plus hands-on guidance and extended learning programs that create opportunities to connect youth’s passion for gaming with meaningful learning.

Jorrel Batac, Esports Scholastic Instructional and Coach / Director, Scholastic Fellow Program, NASEF/OCDE

Kevin Brown, Esports Program Specialist, NASEF

1:05 pm - 2:25 pm

The Fundamentals of Flexibility - The Wide World of Creative Thinking

Imagine Science Biomedical Engineering Web-Resource

The Biomedical Engineering Web-Camp focuses on facilitating activities for grades 4th-8th in order to increase their understanding and interest in STEM. Join this session as we learn how to engage youth virtually and in-person using this cool curriculum and tool.

Mirissa Scholting, Extension Assistant, Nebraska Extension/4-H

Tiffany Sessions, Extension Educator, Nebraska Extension/4-H

1:05 pm - 2:25 pm

Building Equity and Unity

Inclusion and Art Integration

In this interactive workshop we will explore what arts integration is, look at different co-teaching models, introduce tools, and experience a sample inclusive arts integrated lesson plan. In addition, participants will explore what inclusion is and accommodations to create an inclusive classroom setting for exceptional and non-traditional learning students.

Lydia Real-Gravel, 21st CCLC Program Director, UCP of Central Florida

1:05 pm - 2:25 pm

Learning Recovery Through 21st CCLC

Local Documentation Best Practices and New Service Models for Learning Recovery

Afterschool educators have pivoted services to “learning at a distance.” Now is the time to document what’s working. Session participants will learn a method for documenting Best Practices and New Service Models fit to local needs using the Guidance for Out-of-school Time Learning at the Distance (GOLD).

Tari Jones, Program Director, YouthQuest Afterschool Initiative

Lucy Smith, Research Consultant and Communications Lead, QTurn LLC

Charles Smith, Managing Consultant, QTurn

Lorraine Thoreson, Manager of Michigan 21 CCLC, Michigan 21 CCLC, Michigan Dept of Ed

James Yake, Genesee Intermediate School District

1:05 pm - 2:25 pm

Building Equity and Unity

Multicultural Education

Research suggests that teachers' perception influence how to interact with students from diverse backgrounds as well as impact student achievement. In this presentation, the participants will receive background research to support the need for multicultural education in schools and will leave with practical strategies for implementing multicultural education in the classroom.

Dorothy Neal, Site Coordinator, Walton County

No recording available


1:05 pm - 2:20 pm

Engaging Families and Partners in 21st CCLC Programs

Resources for Faith and Community-Based Sub-Grantees

Participants will hear testimonials from their peers, see available resources firsthand, and share one "take-away" from the session or conference.

Angel Rush, Senior Advisor, U.S. Department of Education, Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships

1:05 pm - 2:20 pm

The Fundamentals of Flexibility - The Wide World of Creative Thinking

SEA Coordinators: You for Youth (Y4Y) Needs Your Input!

The Y4Y team wants to hear what you need to provide a high-quality program to your subgrantees and the children and youth they serve. This session is open to all 21st CCLC SEA staff. Don't miss this opportunity to network with your colleagues from across the country and discuss how we can improve Y4Y services and resources.

Sean Grobe, Project Director, You for Youth

Sherri Lauver, Lead Content Specialist, You for Youth

No recording available

1:05 pm - 2:25 pm

The Fundamentals of Flexibility - The Wide World of Creative Thinking

The Art and Science of Mars: Explore with NASA!

Artists and scientists alike observe the world around them – and worlds beyond. Ride along with NASA’s exploration of Mars – with Perseverance rover and Ingenuity helicopter! Fun, free, hands-on “Mission to Mars Student Challenge” enrichment activities blend creativity and science in understanding amazing images of Mars and their relation to our Earth.

Leslie Lowes, Informal STEM Education Specialist, NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Ota Lutz, Lead, Elementary and Secondary Education Group, NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory

1:05 pm - 2:20 pm

Engaging Families and Partners in 21st CCLC Programs

Vaccines! How Can You Use Science Education to Help Your Communities Make Decisions About Vaccines?

Participants will experience “Vaccines!”, a community research guide developed by the Smithsonian that features hands-on science lessons to help young students learn about vaccines throughout history; investigate how vaccines work and are developed; examine issues of equity and misinformation; and develop a plan for addressing vaccine concerns in their communities.

Carol O'Donnell, Executive Director, Smithsonian Science Education Center, Smithsonian Institution

1:05 pm - 2:25 pm

Learning Recovery Through 21st CCLC

Virtually Changing Education

College Admissions Made Possible Virtual Institute is a holistic, online after school program aimed at supporting students in both academic and social and emotional learning development.

Briana Morton, Executive Director, College Admissions Made Possible

1:05 pm - 2:20 pm

Government Performance and Results Act for 21st CCLC

Welcome to the new GPRA (Repeat)

The new GPRA are here! Join the Tactile 21APR team for an overview of the new GPRA and how 21APR is adapting. Learn the who, what, when, and why of the new GPRA.

Deaglan Daugherty, Project Director, The Tactile Group

Debora Ortloff, Subject Matter Expert, The Tactile Group

2:45 pm - 3:45 pm

Concurrent Breakout Sessions

2:45 pm - 3:45 pm

Plenary Session

You Are Here: Check-In With Program Partners and Youth

Out-of-school time partners—and youth—reflect on where we are and “what’s next.” Participants include 21st CCLC youth, 21st CCLC State Education Agency Coordinators, the Statewide Afterschool Network, the C.S. Mott Foundation, the Afterschool Alliance, The National AfterSchool Association and Foundations, Inc.

Paula Adams, Executive Director, Hawaii Afterschool Alliance

Marissa Akui, Community Engagement Director, Hawaii State Department of Education

Shawanda Beale, Assistant Director, New Jersey Department of Education

Andrew Francis, Education Specialist, Foundations Inc.

Tiyana Glenn, Project Associate, Afterschool Alliance

Ebony Grace, Chief Operating Officer, NJSACCC

Jodi Grant, Executive Director, Afterschool Alliance

Gwynn Hughes, Senior Program Officer, Charles Stewart Mott Foundation

Rhonda Lauer, President and CEO, Foundations, Inc.

Miriam Lund, 21st CCLC Group Lead, U.S. Department of Education

Kamille Sheikh, Education Specialist, Utah State Board of Education

Ben Trentelman, Director of Operations, Utah Afterschool Network

Gina Warner, President and CEO, National AfterSchool Association

Keely Weber, Education Program Specialist, U.S. Department of Education

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Concurrent Breakout Sessions

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Plenary Session

Now More Than Ever: Family Engagement is Essential for Student and School Success

The purpose of this presentation is to share what we know, given the extensive research on family engagement, about the powerful impact of effective family–school partnerships on students, parents, teachers, and schools. Dr. Mapp will discuss what we have learned over the past fourteen months because of the Covid 19 crisis and the national racial reckoning about the critical role of home-school partnerships to build bridges across stakeholder groups and support student success and school improvement. Dr. Mapp will summarize the research and articulate the essential conditions, identified in the 2019 Dual Capacity-Building Framework for Family-School Partnerships (Version 2), that are necessary to cultivate and sustain effective family engagement practice.

Miriam Lund, 21st CCLC Group Lead, U.S. Department of Education

Karen Mapp, Senior Lecturer on Education - Program Director - Education, Policy and Management Master's Program, Harvard Graduate School of Education

Keely Weber, Education Program Specialist, U.S. Department of Education

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