Trainings To Go
Trainings to Go are 75 minute long training plans that include a PowerPoint, handouts, and training guides. Click the trainings to get tips on how to customize professional development plans to fit different staff needs, training time frames, and training goals.
Four Components of Literacy
- Understand the four components of literacy: reading, writing, speaking, listening.
- Examine strategies for implementing activities within the four components.
Embedding Literacy In Enrichment Activities
- Review strategies for incorporating literacy across the curriculum.
- Explore activities that effectively implement literacy concepts.
Engaging Families in Literacy Activities
- Explore the importance of family engagement and its effect on student literacy.
- Review strategies for engaging families in literacy events.
- Participate in sample literacy activities.
The Writing Process
Understand the types of writing students need to know and be able to produce and activities that will make writing more engaging and accessible to students. Train staff with easy-to-implement strategies for incorporating writing into programming.