Online Professional Learning and
Technical Assistance for
21st Century Community Learning Centers

Y4Y Virtual Institute for New Grantees

Webinar #1: Conducting a Needs Assessment

Week 1:

Related Y4Y Course Content:


Intentional Program Design Diagram

Communication and Collaboration Checklist

Survey of Teacher Programming Needs

Planner for Brainstorming

Conducting a Summer Learning Program Needs Assessment

Discussion Board Activity:

Join the discussion board and share your ideas, question and discoveries.

  1. What type of data will you collect?
  2. What is an example of one SMART goal for your program?
  3. Is there any additional support you need in developing a needs assessment?


Webinar #2: Intentionally Designing Activities

Week 2:

Related Y4Y Course Content:


Intentional Activity Design Diagram

Mapping Needs to Activities

The Four C’s to 21st Century Skills

The Five C’s of Positive Youth Development

PBL Diagram

Discussion Board Activity

Join the discussion board and share your ideas, questions and discoveries.

  1. Based on your data review and needs assessment, what skills will you focus on with your students?
  2. Which of the 4 C’s to 21st Century Skills or the 5 C’s of Positive Youth Development will you include in your activity mapping and planning?
  3. Which of the other Y4Y courses will you utilize as resources while planning your activity? Do you need any additional support?


Webinar #3: Implementing Your Program With Fidelity

Week 3:

Related Y4Y Course Content:

Click and Go 3:  Administer for Success: Implementing Your Program with Fidelity

Summer Learning Course > Introduction > The Continuous Improvement Process > Implement with Fidelity

Summer Learning Course > Implementation Strategies > Step 9: Assess and Plan for Continuous Improvement


Continuous Improvement Process Diagram

Logic Model

Continuous Improvement Planner 

Citizen Science Skills Rubric

Project Rubric

Citizen Science Process Skills Checklist

Comprehension Checklists

Assess College and Career Readiness in Your Program

Activity Observation Checklists

Prism Partnership Rubric

Student Survey

Summer Learning Family Survey

Citizen Science Reflection Questions for Staff

Assess Needs Training Starter 

Discussion Board Activity

Join the discussion board and share your ideas, questions and discoveries.

  1. How will you check for fidelity in program implementation?
  2. What will be your next step in assessing program effectiveness?
  3. Which of the other Y4Y courses will you utilize as resources while you are implementing with fidelity? Do you need any additional support?


Webinar #4: Engaging Partners for Sustainability

Week 4:

Related Y4Y Course Content:

Learn > Courses > Strengthening Partnerships


Strengthening Partnerships Diagram 

Creating a Program Elevator Pitch 

Identifying Partners 

Recruit Partners Training to Go 

Memorandum of Understanding Tool 

Honor Partners Training Starter 

Discussion Board Activity

Join the discussion board and share your ideas, questions and discoveries.

  1. How will you establish and maintain partnerships for sustainability?
  2. Which of the Y4Y resources will you use to support your partnerships?


Questions? Email:


Quick Links

Questions? E-mail:

Discussion Board


Recorded Webinars

Week 1: Conducting a Needs Assessment

Week 2: Intentionally Designing Activities

Week 3: Implementing With Fidelity

Week 4: Engaging Partners for Sustainability


Download Webinar PowerPoints 

Week 1: Conducting a Needs Assessment

Week 2: Intentionally Designing Activities

Week 3: Implementing With Fidelity

Week 4: Engaging Partners for Sustainability


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