June 14, 2016

Help students hold on to their literacy skills by trying some or all of these easy tips:

During a summer program:

- Build literacy into your summer program. For example, if your curriculum has a STEM focus, use the Y4Y STEM Vocabulary Builder. It can help students learn math and science language and reinforce understanding of the concepts. Get other ideas from the Literacy Everywhere tool.

- During one day of the program, hold a “book swap.” Invite everyone to bring used books and take different ones home.

Outside a summer program:

- Hold a family literacy event. Use this Y4Y checklist to help you organize.

- Enlist family members to lead read-alouds several times a week. One way to structure this is with a “family book review” activity. Learn about it on the Reaching Out to Families tool. 

- Partner with your local public library to help students sign up for library cards. Families get free access to books (including digital ones that download to a tablet or computer) and a professional librarian to help readers select ones they’ll enjoy.

- Find a local partner to help you send books home to your students and their family members.

For more ideas, visit Read Where You Are and keep learning alive all summer long!


June 2, 2016

Y4Y Showcase Webinar: Implementing Your Program With Fidelity
Thursday, June 23 from 1:00-2:30 EST

Wondering how to structure your program to achieve the desired results? Learn about Y4Y's quick and easy professional learning resources in a free webinar. The Y4Y team will showcase Click & Go 3: Administer for Success: Implementing Your Program with Fidelity.  Learn from real-life examples of intentional program implementation from 21st CCLC sites, and meet Candace Ferguson, former State Coordinator for the Texas 21st CCLC Program at the Texas Education Agency. See how the mini-lessons, podcasts, tools and resources of Click & Go 3 can help check your program for intended impact.


Featured Guest Expert
Candace Moreno Ferguson, former Texas 21st CCLC state coordinator and current Human Capital Management Systems Project Manager for the Texas Center for Educator Effectiveness (TxCEE), will share her wealth of experience supporting and coaching 21st CCLC grantees to design and implement programs with intentionality and fidelity. A Q&A will follow her presentation.


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