Online Professional Learning and
Technical Assistance for
21st Century Community Learning Centers


September 21, 2021

We all know the stories well. Johnny Suburb studied philosophy at a New England liberal arts college, has $250,000 in student debt, and works delivering pizza because he isn’t qualified for a “professional” level job. Sam Blue-Collar couldn’t afford college, so after high school he took an internship with his uncle, a certified electrician. Now at age 24, after taking three junior college courses in business, Sam runs his own one-man company, earns a six-figure salary and is thinking of training a new partner himself because he can’t keep up with demand for his work.

The country has realized that college is not the answer for everyone, and the future is nothing to be afraid of once your students understand this.

Y4Y is excited to roll out a totally revamped version of its College and Career Readiness course, with a new title to match: Career Pathways for Students. Cassie, a teen trail guide and Pathfinder High School senior, hikes the Y4Y trails with you: College, Military, Trades and Workforce. With engaging tips and tricks along the way, you’ll be dazzled by this fresh opportunity to help K-12 students find or create their own paths.

In the Introduction section, you’ll earn a Basic Level certificate while you explore:

  • The past, future and benefits of college and career education
  • Connecting your learning to 21st CCLC programs
  • Strategies for building a stakeholder team
  • Student and family needs and the related goals you might develop
  • Mapping your many community assets
  • Relevant logistics of your career pathways guidance
  • Intentionally designing activities
  • Student recruitment
  • Staff recruitment and training
  • Family engagement
  • Planning for continuous improvement of your career pathways programming

When you engage in the Implementation Strategies section to earn an Advanced Level certificate, you’ll dive deep into the three realms of the career pathways approach — awareness, exploration and preparation — and how your program can deliver activities in each of them. Your hike will also take you through tips and tricks for implementing the career pathway steps you explored at the beginning of your adventure, in the Introduction section.

A Leadership Level certificate is also available. Check out the Coaching My Staff section of the course for a trail map to

  • Building a culture and climate to support the career pathways approach
  • Planning age-appropriate career awareness, exploration and preparation activities
  • Using career pathways self-assessment tools with students

Check out the full set of new tools to help students chart their course and strike out on a fearless path stretching far into their promising futures.


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